Tokrat se je v moji omari znašlo tole pokrivalo -->
New things keep finding their way into my closet...and December hasn't even started yet!I have no idea how i'm gonna resist the shopping during December (ok, i admitt...i don't know how to resist shopping in general, but i think it gets even worse in December) :P
This is whats new -->
Zgleda pa nekako takole -->
And it kinda looks like this -->
(Don't mind the posy pic!)
Skupaj sem sestavila tudi tole snežinkasto zimsko kombinacijo :) navdih je bil sneg....kdo bi si mislil :))
I also created this cute snowy winterish set :) i was inspired by snow...go figure :))
- sive kavbojke (grey jeans)
- pulover s kristalčki (sweater with crystals) --> TopShop
- UGG Boots
- rokavičke (mittens) --> Roxy
- kapa (knit trapper hat) --> Dorothy Perkins
- verižica snežinka (snowflake necklace) --> (I want one, it's so pretty)
So vam všeč take kape?Jo imate doma?Kaj pa pravite na kombinacijo?Na moji wishlisti je definitivno ta pulover in verižica!
Do you like trapper hats?Do you own one?What do you think about this combo?The sweater and the necklace are definitely on my wishlist!