petek, 6. januar 2012

Bright sunny day

Yeeey, it's sunny here in Ljubljana :) i'm so excited about that!I just had to go out and make a  few photos of my outfit which is quite simple (again) :P i just wish the little sequins on the scarf would be more visible, cause they look really nice -->

some goofy photos -->

lool, this one looks like i'm about to surf of  :D

 I'm wearing: H&M dress & blazer, Primark scarf, Wallis bag, necklace made by Ana na S (it was a gift from Pink_Diamond), Swarovski bracelet

So how was your day ladies?Did you catch any sun?I hope it lasts, i really like this kind of weather i just wish the temperatures were a bit lower :P I WANT SNOW! ha :P

Oh, and another question...did you hit the sales already?i know you did, don't try to deny it :P Tell me, what did you treat yourself with?

Take care and enjoy the sun :*


9 komentarjev:

  1. Super outfit!! Danes je biu res tako lep dan.. Ampak jaz sem že ceu dan v postli, ker me je ponovno napadla vročina, pa še delat morem it zvečer..
    Šal mi je zelo ušeč! pa torbica tudi, škoda da je nisi kje pokazala zraven ;)

  2. Jaa js sm tut uživala v sončku, ampak zdle je pa tkoooo mraz, da sm skor umrla... Ful luškan outfit, vedno si lepo oblečena <3 Zdej pa čakat na sneeeeeeg :)

  3. Luškanaa :)) res je bil zelo lep dan ampak še zmer ful mrzu!

  4. @anna: upam da se čimprej pozdraviš :) sm pa vključila še eno fotko s torbo :P

    @Summer: hvala beeejb :) men je blo pa dons neverjetno vroče!jaaa, čakamo sneeeg :D

    @Selma: hvalaaa :) ma men se je res zdel ful topel dan dons :)

    @Ana: hvalaa ;)


  5. Sem prišla pogledat, pa sem misla, da sem nora :)), no pol sem pa prebrala, da si dodala fotko ;)..yeeey full je lepa!! hvala za fotko ;)

  6. @Anna: jap, sem dodala :P sej je bila pripravljena pa sem jo ponesreči spregledala :)

    @devorelebeaumonstre: thanks ;)


  7. i really like the sleek look of a black dress paired with black tights and black boots! you look great! :D

    <3, Mimi
