Hey ladies, what's up?It's such a beautiful sunny day outside i can't help but feel super happy :) my day started out so good...i woke up this morning, feeling relaxed and fresh and made myself a big cup of coffee that gave me that little extra boost of energy i needed to start this day.
Oh, and how did i start my day?Or should i say, how i should start my day...hihi, of course i should start it by studying but i didn't. Instead, i thought it would be a good (no, wait...a brilliant) idea to check out Asos web page and browse through all the pretty things that are just calling my name...well, i wasn't really impressed by a lot of things, but when i saw these, they just had to be mine -->
Asos Storm Point Court Shoes
What are your thoughts on pointed shoes?
I'm not really a fan, but i really like this pair.
And i also couldn't resist this bracelet -->
And the best part is, i got them 25% off with this code --> NEWSEASON25
Maybe it's time to put some wanted items off your wishlist and into your shopping bag :P
And how did you start your day?
I started my day with some good hard exercise and a great breakfast... :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiPridnaa :) to je pa zagotovo enkraten začetek dneva! :)
IzbrišiAaaa zapestnica mi je ful všeč! Js bi tut mela. Morm jo poiskat na Asosu, čeprav sm že čist broke, pa še kr nakupujem, joooj groza. Balerinke so pa tut super cute, pa povsod ti bodo pasale! Men se dan še ni začel, ker sm se ravnokar zbudila haha :D xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiFul sm že iskala kkšno spike zapestnico in sem prav vesela da sm jo zagledala na Asosu...a veš da niso balerinkeee :P morm nalimat še kkšno slikco da se bo vidl da majo mal petke :P tok so mi hudi čevlji da morjoooo bit udobni!
Izbrišipa dobro jutro ;) *
lepi, lepi kakšno in kolk visoka je, peta namreč :D
OdgovoriIzbrišipeta meri 4cm :) bom še dodala slikco da se bo videlo kakšna je ;)
Izbrišioh,zapestnica,I want! <3 čevlci so pa luštni,sam js si sebe ne predstavljam s koničasto špico,se prou smešno počutm :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi jaz nisem ravno fan, zato predvsem ful držim pesti da bojo ok zgledal :) ker na fotki so mi božanski, pa sem sicer bolj za okrogle čevlje ;)
Izbrišibomo videli!
Čevlje nujno slikaj na sebi, me zanima kako izgledajo. Super so ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišibom bom :D upam da čimprej dobim mail da so na poti (ponavadi mi ga pošljejo takoj, upam da se ni kaj zalomilo)
Nice shoes! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks <3 can't wait to get them :)
Izbrišihmm, i'm not really a fan of pointy toed shoes. i think it's more for the older group. i stick to round toes. LOL. however, i like the open side style of these flats.
OdgovoriIzbrišiShoetopia Giveaway -- 3 winners. Come and join! :D
I see you point :) i'm just happy we have lots of different styles to choose from, so each can find what they're looking for :D
Izbrišithanks for stopping by,
odkar so prišli ven čevlji z zaobljenimi konicami tut jst nisem več tak fan špičastih, ampak teli so mi pa všeč, če se ne motim so meli podobne tudi v zari...te bi takoj mela :)
OdgovoriIzbrišitudi zapestnica je super, spikes :D
Jap, res so podobni tistim iz Zare, samo da so teli veliko cenejši :P so pa moji prvi špičasti in prav sanjam o tem kako so mi prav, ker se bojim da bi me kje tiščali, jaz pa v glavi že polno enih kombinacij :D danes so šli na pot, upam da jih čimprej dobim ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThose shoes are so cute! I have a pair of heels similar to these from nine west that I wear non-stop. I'm definitely going to check out this pair as well. Thanks for the suggestion!
yes, i saw them on your blog...they look great! :) you should definitely check them out if you want a pair in black :P
What a chic basic pair of black pumps! I like the bracelet too.:D
OdgovoriIzbriši***** Marie *****
Thanks Marie <3 i'm glad you like them :P
Waw, čevlji so res hudi. Spet se bom ugriznila v jezik (zmeri sm govorila, da to mi pa res ni všeč) in pomoje kupila ene :)
Zapestnica mi je ful všeč! :)