Uf, we made it through the weekend. There were really heavy showers in Slovenia and a lot of cities and parts of town were completely flooded....i have never seen something like that. It's like nature's gone wild!I hardly made it to my boyfriend's home, because the part of the city he lives in was flooded. The next day we made a little tour to see how much damage the rain has caused and i must say i was shocked...there was water everywhere and so many people's yards were flooded. But if i look at the bigger picture, Ljubljana was OK compared to other areas across Slovenia...i hope everyone was safe and that things get back to normal as soon as possible.
Zdaj pa še kombinacija...predvsem sem se osredotočila na škornje, ki bi mi zelo prav pršli:
And now the combination...i was concentrating on wellies because i could really use a pair this weekend):
- kavbojke (jeans)
- jakna (jacket) --> H&M
- verižica (necklace) --> Asos ( i absolutely love it)
- škornji (wellies) --> Burberry
- dežnik (umbrella) --> Moschino (i want it!)
v te škornje sem pa jaz zaljubljena, edini problem je cena (150€ za gumo):( imajo jih pa v sportini v cityparku