četrtek, 29. april 2010

Smile looks good on you

Končno se spet javljam...sploh nisem imela navidiha, nisem pa hotela sestavljat nekih brezveznih kombinacij ker se pač ne bom zadovoljila kar s čemerkoli. Razmišljam da bi v blog uvedla še nekaj zadev ampak o tem bom pisala malce kasneje da še izpilim idejo!Velikokrat se mi zgodi da se v eno stvar zaženem 100/h potem pa me v trenutku vse mine in si premislim...no ja, hvalabogu vztrajam pri pomembih stvareh, le malenkosti in trenutna zadovoljstva preskakujejo sem ter tja :)

Zadnje čase se mi dogaja toliko enih stvari, da sploh ne najdem časa za vse...včasih si želim da bi dan imel še kkšno urco ali dve več. Prejšnji teden sem bila postavljena pred precej pomembno odločitev in mislim da sem na pravi poti. Če ne drugega bom veliko bolj srečna in mirna...Skratka, koščki se počasi sestavljajo in vem da je to to :)

Finally back...i felt so unispired for the last few days, and i didn't want to put together boring combinations - that would be very unpleasing. I'm thinking about expanding moj blog, and perhaps write about a few other things, not just clothing. I have to think about it though...Sometimes i rush into something and then suddenly change my mind about them...at least i insist with important things and only the little things in life and mini satisfactions are changing.

I have so much going on lately, i simply cannot find time for everything...sometimes i wish a day would last an hour or two longer. Last week i had to make an important decison and i think i'm on the right track. At least i'll be much happier and calm....shortly--the pieces are finally starting to fit together and i know that this is it :)

No, zdej pa ta lepši del...kombinacija: (moving on to combination)
  • črne kratke hlače (black shorts)
  • majica (shirt)--> Miss Selfridge
  • uhani (earrings) --> Miss Selfridge
  • čevlji (shoes)--> Miss Selfridge
  • torbica (bag) --> Dorothy Perkins

1 komentar:

  1. sem te pogresala :) .... in me veseli, da si na pravi poti :) ...:P
