nedelja, 25. december 2011

Merry Christmas :*

Merry Christmas my darlings :* i hope you are having a great and magical time wherever you are!I had a great time yesterday with my whole was the best :)

I came across this Christmas tag on a few blogs so i decided to answer a few questions ;)

1.Whats Your Favorite Holiday Movie? 
I know it's a cliche but i LOVE Christmas movies, no matter how silly they are...i must say i can't get tired of Home Alone and movies like that :) 

2. Whats Your Favorite Christmas Color? 

Hmmm, i'd have to say my fav Christmas color is gold.

3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?

I like to dress up :) it's the perfect time to put on something sparkly and fabulous.

4. If You Could Only Buy One Person a Present This Year Who Would It Be? 

My mom :* She really deserves it!

5. Do You Open Your Present Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?

Evening doooh...i couldn't possibly wait till morning :P

6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?

No...but i was talking about a project like that with my friend the other day, so maybe someday :)

7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?

I like to chill out, meet with some friends for coffee or hot wine, hang at home with my family and maybe go on a one-day trip.

8. Any Christmas Wishes?

Lots ;) But i can't tell you what they are, cause then they won't come true

9. Favorite Christmas Smell?

Armani Code is an absolute winner!

10. Favorite Christmas Meal Or Treat?

I like everything sweet, so i'm not really picky ;)

If you want you can answer a few (or all) of the questions in the comment section or even blog about it :D!I would be more than happy to read what you do for Christmas :)

Have a great Christmas :*

Love, M

9 komentarjev:

  1. vesel Božič! Sam doma je pa res eden izmed redkih starih filmov, ki se ga ne naveličaš.. pa Grinch seveda :)

  2. Vesel božič tudi iz moje strani!!! Veliko pirhov ti želim :D hehe

  3. @Ana: res je ja...predvsem 1. del k je itak najboljši :)

    Uživite punce <3

  4. js sm glih zdej gledala sam doma :D pa vesel božič tud z moje strani :)*

  5. i hope you had a merry christmas! i will never get tired of home alone either. and i also like to dress up for christmas (and new year's)! ;)

    <3, Mimi
