ponedeljek, 21. november 2011

Hey, I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything is right

Guess what i got on Friday?New shoes!!I fell in love with these beauties as soon as i saw them on ebay, and now they're mine. I've wanted a pair of wedge booties for a while now (remember me drooling over these --> click). Well, given the fact they were super high, i had to come up with an alternative. I had my eye on a TopShop wedges but unfortunately i didn't get them while i was in London (they didn't have them in my size, boooo). I was really happy when i was browsing on ebay and found these...wanna know what they look like?

Tadaaaaam, here they are :) And they are super comfy (i honestly couldn't believe how nice they are to walk in) and i can't wait to wear them more :)

Because i was wearing a kinda plain and simple outfit i thought i'd ad some nice bracelets to spice it up a bit :) 

I'm wearing: Asos wedges, random tights, H&M dress, blazer and bracelets, River Island scarf (from my sis), Primark bag

I wish we had some sun here in Ljubljana, it's been mostly foggy and cloudy for the last 10 days or so and it's honestly kinda depressing. What have you been up to?

P.S. I'm already putting together my winter wishlist and i'm a little bit scared of how long it actually is :P Have you put together your winter wislist?:P

10 komentarjev:

  1. Lušten outfit :)
    Čevlji so udobni?
    V zah. delu Slo. imamo vsak dan sonce :) Pridi kaj na obisk ;)

  2. ful luškani čevlčki! in outfit seveda :)

  3. Lepiii čeveljčki <3 Ampak zapestnica z mašnico pa zmaga. Od kod pa je?

  4. @goga: čevlji so neverjetno udobni :) na obisku sem bila pa ravno včeraj...je kar pasalo malo sončka!Pridem drug teden po novo dozo :P

    @Mushei: hvala hvala :)

    @Ana: zapestnica z mašnico je pa iz H&M-a (kupljena lani v Salzburgu) :)

    @cvetka: hvala :) pa še udobni so! :)


  5. I like your shoes, it's a good pair. Your bracelets are cute too.:D

    ***** Marie *****

  6. Uh, končno lahko komentiram... Ne vem kaj me je hecalo:) Čeveljci so cute...najbolj všeč mi je pa blazer seveda:) hehehe <3

  7. @Nina: hvalaa :)

    @Marie: they're super comfy :P thanks :*

    @Pinky: hehe, te je matru blogger?hvala hvala :))

    @OrMarija: hvala <3

