petek, 21. oktober 2011

Can't wait to get there!

                                                                Where? To London :)

I'm soooo excited. Me and my sister decided to visit this beautiful city about a month ago, and we've been counting down the days ever since. I?m totally in love with the city, its pulse and dinamics. Me and my little sister already prepared our "must see", "must do", and "must buy" lists. Haha, i'm so excited i don't even know what to write in this post...i guess i can't really put a happy dance i'm doing right now, behind my computer, in this post...i'll leave it to your imagination ;)

                                            Here are some photos i made last time i was in London -->

I'll be back soon with fresh posts, new outfits and a little surprise for you guys ;)

xoxo, M

8 komentarjev:

  1. Luckyyyy :) Komi čakam nove poste in slikce vsega kar boš nakupila v Londonu! Enjoy <3

  2. London is a wonderful city :) enjoy it :) I like your blog, I'm following it!

    Follow my blog with bloglovin and blogger if you like it :)

  3. Gotta love London! Uživaj na polno! :)

  4. oooo še mal pa prideš nazaj:) prou zanima kaj vse si kupila:) ...vse morš poslikat pa dat na blog..brez izjemeeeee:***

  5. @Summer: uf, bo treba kar nekaj fotk narest :P bom vse pokazala! :D

    @Ana: hvala :) sva s sestro ful uživali1

    @Mushei: o ja :) zdej pa malo pavze, da si denarnica opomore!

    @Angelica: i'll check out your blog too ;) and i agree....London is great <3

    @Simona: ooo, si nazaj?:D super!

    @Pinky: pa sem nazaaaj :) hihi, bom poslikala ja :P sva ble kar pridne...Neža še mal bolj hihi :D


  6. London,moje najljubše mesto! <3 Uživaj maximalno! Komaj čakam na nove slikce ;) xx
