nedelja, 21. avgust 2011

New Asos order, new blog, new mascara and new life :)

So, what's new?A lot actually :) i decided to start blogging only in english, because translating everything takes so much time...i hope you all agree, if not, please let me know and i'll take your suggestions into consideration!So, moving on...i'm soooo sorry for the lack of posts, i've been so busy these days (studying, working...) but i promise i have quite a few interesting things to show you guys :D

This blog post is about everything that's let me start with what's new and on it's way from Asos, and more importaly (is that the right word?I'm not sure...) where did i get an idea form -->

I saw this snake necklace on a fellow blogger's blog --> On A Budget :) She just started blogging, and i'm pretty sure she'll have lots of amazing stuff to show us (including outfit posts i hope?). Check out her blog and see for yourself!
(I just hope she's not upset for ordering the same necklace...i fell in love with it when i saw it in her post *blush*)

And now about the new mascara that never happened...i wanted to order this new Benefit mascara on Asos, but unfortunately they only ship this particular item to UK&Ireland :/ i hope i get it somewhere, cause based on the reviews i saw it's great :)

And now the most imporant announcement...welcome Tonja!My cousin and his girlfriend welcomed their first daughter on Friday 19th of August. I know they'll be amazing parents and i can't wait to see this little pumpkin :) i bet she's such a cutie...

So tell me what's new with you? :D

12 komentarjev:

  1. ja ja:) te verizice si NUJNO rabilaa ne?:) hehehehe:) :**** ... lepe so:) jaaaa Tonjaaaa..lepo ime:) pa zihr je za mečkat :) hehehehe...

  2. ta prva verižica je fulllll huda :)

  3. I think blogging in English is best. So, thumbs up for that. And congrats for your new family member. =)

  4. @Pinky: jaaa, lihkar sm vidla slikce od tamale...veš kakšn sonček :)

    @Sandryca: hvala, komaj čakam da jo dobim! <3

    @Špela: hvala :) imajo jo še v rdeči verziji, ampak mi je ta bolj všeč :)

    @Nihrida: thank you :) <3

  5. OOO super verižice, zdaj ko so take nizke cene na asosu bi jaz kar vse mela :)

  6. Hei hei, WB :))) zato sm jst tud sploh zacela ze v anglescini, ker je vseeno lazje :)))) Sej ni taka tezka anglescina an blogih da jo ne bi vsi razumeli ;))))
    Verizice so super, glede maskare pa ja jst sm si jo tud hotla kupt sam mi je bla kr draga je 20 funtou, sam sm pa zdej tud ze jst slisala tok pohval, da znam skočt v Boots pa si eno kupm :))) ... seveda če bom ti sporočim, če je res vredna :)))

  7. @Špeli: dons sm dobila mail da so jih odposlali!komi čakam da jih dobim :)

    @CherryBlossom: res je lažje, se strinjam!Če kupiš maskaro pa le poročaj, prosim :) upam da mi novembra uspe pridt v London, da si jo tam nabavim!


  8. uf, vrjamem, da pobere kr ogromno časa prevajat, zato sm se jst že kar od začetka odločla po angleško, že tle moram kdaj razmišljat kako točno hočem kaj povedat :)

    ej ful sta mi všeč verižici, meni je prva skoraj še bolj padla v oči, takoj bi pa mela obe...komi čakam, da ju stiliraš :D pa čestitke za novega člana družine!! :D:D

  9. ^^komi čakam da ju dobim :) že razmišljam kam vse bi ju nosila!In hvala za čestitke :D <3

  10. @Babe Jane: thanks, i can't wait to get it <3
