torek, 21. junij 2011

What's in my bag?

Na spletni strani Ulični Stil si lahko ogledate kaj slovenski modni blogerji prenašajo v svojih torbicah --> klik. Tudi sama sem sodelovala in tole se skriva v moji (trenutno najljubši torbi) -->

Torbo ste zdaj verjetno opazile že pri nekaj outfitih ampak si ne morem pomagat...preprosto obožujem velike torbe in ko se v eno zapičim jo nosim non-stop. Trenutno je torej največ v uporabi rjava torba iz Primarka in še zdaj ne morem verjeti da me je stala samo 10funtov.

On slovenian site Ljubljana street style you can check out what slovenian fashion blogger carry in their favourite bags --> click. I decided to participate as well and this is what i have in my (currently fav) bag -->

You must have seen it like a hundred times by now in my outfits but i can't help myself...i just love big bags and when i get one i really like i wear it all the time. Right now, my fav is a brown bag from Primark that cost me around 10 pounds.

Btw, na sliki se malenkost vidi šal ki mi ga je fant poleg slamnika in kopalk podaril za rojstni dan...kar naprej bi ga nosila, i love it! 

Btw, you can see my new scarf that my BF gave me on my birthday (besides a straw hat and swimsuits)...i want to wear it all the time, i love it!

Kljub velikosti torbe pa je vsebina precej minimalistična in sabo nosim le najnujnejše stvari. To so:
  • sončna očala --> ker nikoli ne veš kdaj bo posijalo sonce
  • denarnica --> kaj bi brez ogromne denarnice ne vem...imam jo že nekaj let in mogoče je čas da jo počasi zamenjam ;)
  • mobitel Samsung Galaxy S --> brez tega res ne zapustim hiše, kljub temu da mi uspe spregledat večino neodgovorjenih klicev in :)
  • flaška za vodo --> ker sem kar naprej žejna in ker je treba skrbeti za hidracijo telesa...še posebej v tem času!
  • Hurraw balzam za ustnice --> tega sem ukradla fantu ker takoooo lepo diši po limeti in je must have za vlaženje ustnic
  • šminka 100% Pure --> Lahka in vlažilna, popolna za hitri touch up kadar je potrebno :)
  • krema za roke --> ker ne maram občutka suhih rok
  • svinčnik --> če je treba slučajno kaj zapisat...mogoče ne bi bilo slabo če bi si omislila še beležko :P
Despite the fact that my bag is so big, i actually don't carry around that much. Only:
  • sunglasses --> you never know when the sun will shine
  • a wallet --> i don't know what i'd do without a big wallet...i have it for a few years now and i guess it's time form a new one :)
  • Samsung Galaxy S cellphone --> i never leave my house without it...although i do manage to miss out on most of my phonecalls and messages...whoops :)
  • a water bottle --> cause i'm thirsty all the time and cause we have to take care of hydration...especially in the summer!
  • Hurraw lip balm --> i stole it from my BF cause it smells so lime!It's perfect :)
  • 100% Pure lipstick --> light and natural...perffect for a quick touch up when needed.
  • hand cream --> i don't like the feeling of dry hands
  • a pencil --> in cause i have to write smth down...i guess i could buy myself a notebook to go with the pencil as well :P 
Kaj pa se skriva v vaš najljubši torbici?

So what's in your favourite handbag?

ponedeljek, 20. junij 2011

Coquette Cutie and Orly Sec'n'Dry review

Prejšnji teden sem dočakala svoja prva Orly laka...naročila sem Coquette Cutie iz Pin Up kolekcije in Orly Sec'n'Dry nadlak. Zakaj sem se ob vseh reviewih Opijevega, Zoyinega, Seche Vite nadlaka odločila za Orlyjevega ne vem. Vem pa da me ni razočaral, zato sem se odločila da naredim review in da vam obenem pokažem še koketno kjutiko :P

Last week i got my first Orly nail polishes....i ordered Coquette Cuite from Pin Up collection and Orly Sec'n'Dry topcoat. Why did i choose Orly topcoat instead of Opi, Zoya or Seche Vite topcoat?i don' know...but i'm very happy i did cause it's great so i decided to do a review for you guys and show you Coquette Cutie as well :P

Na nohtih sta dva debelejša sloja Coquette Cutie saj sem imela nekaj manjših težav z nanašanjem. Lak je namreč precej gost in pri tankem nanosu pušča res zoprne črte, če pa ga vzameš preveč nastane poplava. Če bi se še malenkost bolj potrudila bi zadostoval 1 nanos kar je za večino velik +, se strinjate?Barva je čudovita, močna roza ki malenkost povleče na koralno (po swatchih tujih blogerk sem iskreno pričakovala da bo lak bolj koralen in ne tako roza). Kljub vsemu mi je izredno všeč in mislim da se lepo poda moji njem je nekaj posebnega in sumim da se bo na mojih nohtkih znašel kar nekajkrat to poletje :)

I have 2 thick coats of Coquette Cutie on my nails, cause i had some difficulties with application. Nail polish is kinda thick and it is streaky when you want to apply a thin coat but if you want to use to much there's a chance of flooding your nails :P if i was a bit more careful with it, one coat would do...great right?The color is beautiful, strong pink and it leans a little to the coral side. I really like it and i think it suits my skin tone's smth special about it so i suspect it's gonna be on my nails often this summer :)

Po dveh debelejših plasteh Coquette Cuite sem nanesla Orly Sec'n'Dry topcoat v upanju da mi kar se da hitro posuši lak, ker mi v 80% uspe uničit manikuro v prvih 5ih minutah. Prva stvar ki sem jo opazila je da nadlak zelo lepo prekrije morebitne nepravilnosti, mehurčke, lise in podobne nadležne stvari. Ok, namažem in čakam...Po dveh minutkah sem se opogumila in preverila če je lak že vsaj približno suh in na moje veliko presenečenje ugotovila da je na dotik že suh. Super, izognila sem se pol ure nemoči in gledanja v luft v upanju da se mi lak vsaj približno posuši...hvala Orly :* čakam dalje in z gotovostjo lahko rečem da bi si lahko po 10ih minutah že lahko oblekla in zapela kavbojke, po 15ih minutah pa še zavezala čevlje in suvereno brskala po torbici...tudi za ključi! :D Poleg hitrega sušenja pa me je navdušila tudi obstojnost manikure. Prejšnja je zdržala 4dni brez problema (z minimalno zlizanimi konicami), zdajšnja pa tudi zgleda še nedotaknjena.

After 2 thick coats of Coquette Cutie i applied Orly Sec'n'Dry topcoat hoping it will dry my manicure fast cause i always seem to manage to destroy it in first 5 minutes. The first thing i noticed was that it evens out nail polish very nicely and corrects streakyness or bubbles and all that annoying stuff. Ok, so i apply it and i wait...After 2 minutes i carefully tried if it was dry already and to my big surprise it was already touch dry. Great, i managed to avoid being totally helpless for half an hour...thank you Orly :* i waited a bit more and i can honestly say i could put on my jeans and zip it after 10 minutes and i could totally tie my shoes after 15 minutes and even go through my purse looking for keys or smth!Besides fast drying time i was also really impressed with persistence of my manicure. My last manicure lasted for 4 days (minimum damage) and this one still looks perfect.

Sklep: Kljub temu da nadlaka ne morem primerjati z drugimi hitrosušečimi nadlaki je mene pozitivno presenetil in ga bom definitivno še kupila. Lak naredi obljubljeno, hitro posuši manikuro in zagotavlja dolgo obstojnost, obenem pa spretno zakrije tečne in nebodigatreba nepravilnosti. Priporočam!

In conclusion: Even though i can't compare this topcoat with other fast drying topcoats i'm totally impressed and i'll definitely buy it again. It does what it says, dries the manicure fast, makes it stay on for a long time and evens out any imperfections.

sobota, 18. junij 2011

What's your name?

Pa sem nazaj po celem tednu in končno imam 10 minut časa da se malenkost pozabavam z blogom. Prejšnji teden je bil precej naporen, saj sem imela 2 zahtevna izpita in posledično praktično nič časa niti volje za bloganje. Ampak sem nazaj, in če bo šlo vse po sreči se tudi izpiti bližajo proti koncu. Končno!

Tokrat je cel teden nohtke krasil MUA lak (žal nima imena, samo številko), ki sem ga kupila v Londonu za 1funt. Nanos je precej kompliciran zaradi slabega čopiča ampak po dveh plasteh popravi prvi vtis. Barva je pa itak super za poletje, ane?

I'm finally back after a whole week, and i'm so happy i finally have time for blogging again. Last week was pretty intense cause i had two exams and absolutely no time nor will for blogging. But now i'm back, and if everything goes well my exams are coming to an end. Finally!

I've had this MUA nailpolish (it doesnt have a name) on my nails for the past week and it's still great!I bought it in London for 1pound. The application is a nightmare but after 2 coats it's much better. I think the color is perfect for summer, right?

Dolgi  obstojnosti se verjetno lahko zahvalim najnovejši pridobitvi in sicer lakcu Orly Sec'n'Dry. Prvi vtisi so odlični in kar se mene tiče zelo dobro opravi svojo nalogo. Naredim review?

Btw, i got my Orly Sec'n'Dry topcoat and i think it's great. It gets the job done and prevents  chipping or wearing off quite successfully i think...would you like me to do a review?

 I wore this nailpolish with this outfit i showed you a few weeks ago :)

T simpatičen lak žal nima imena...kako bi ga poimenovale?Zbiram ideje :D

Unfortunately this pretty shade doesn't have a would you name it?:D

petek, 10. junij 2011

I can't wait for the weekend to begin

Pred mano je super vikend, ki se ga že noro veselim :) po celem tednu draženja kam greva, mi je fant včeraj končno razkril da me za rojstni dan pelje v Piran za cel vikend :D Seveda sem takoj, ko sem zvedela kam greva iz omare izbrskala kopalke in slamnik tako da sem pripravljena na odhod. 

I can't wait for the weekend to begin cause i'm super excited :) after a whole week of teasing, my BF finally told me yesterday that he's taking me to Piran for a whole weekend for my birthday :D  As soon as i found out where we're going i packed my swimsuit and my straw hat (?) so i'm ready to go.

In še nekaj inspiracijskih fotk ;)
And here are some inspiration photos ;)
I totally love it when bikes are used as props on pictures :)

četrtek, 9. junij 2011

Totally wanted!

Na moji wishlisti se je zopet znašlo nekaj poletnih cukrčkov -->
Right now, these summer babies are on my wishlist -->
 Vero Moda krilo se mi zdi popolno za vsak dan. Rožice in kroj so samo še dodaten +

Vero Moda skirt is perfect for everyday. The flower print and the shape are a big +


Asos čevlji....ljubezen na prvi pogled!Barva, model...vse mi je  všeč :) edino višina pete mi povzroča preglavice...mogoče če bi bila nižja (jaz ne peta :P)!No, vsekakor so prava poslastica za oči.

Asos at first sight!The color, the model...i love it all :) the only problem is heel hight...maybe i'd buy them if i was smaller!Well, anyway...i think they are gorgoeus.

Asos oversized clutch torbica je preprosto čudovita!Všeč mi je da je bela, se mi zdi da zaradi tega deluje lahkotno,kljub temu da je v resnici nekaj posebnega.

Asos oversized clutch is simply beautiful!I love the fact that it's seems so easy breezy but it's very unique at the same time.

Vero Moda obleka...resno razmišljam o nakupu. Stoji odlično, edina stvar ki me moti je material. Obleka je poletna, material pa pretežek in je precej vroča...kaj pa ve pravite?Ja ali ne?

 Vero Moda dress...i seriously considering about buying it. It fits perfecty, but i'm not sure about the material. It's a summer dress, but the material is really thick and heavy...what do you think?Yes or no?

Kakšna pa je vaša poletna wishlista?

What's your summer wishlist?

nedelja, 5. junij 2011

sunshine in my hair and ice-cream in my hand

Sladoled je moja najhujša poletna pregreha...lahko bi ga jedla cele dneve in ga še zmeraj ne bi imela dovolj!Petek je bil tako super dan za sprehod po centru in sladoledkanje :P opazili boste da ga ni nikjer na bil predobr :)

Ice-cream is what i love most in the summer....i could eat it everyday and i would still want more!Friday was a perfect day for walking around the city center and eating ice-cream :P you won't see it on the pictures was gone by then  :)


I'm wearing: random white shirt, black jeans Stradivarius, scarf Pieces, necklace, watch and ring Asos, bag Primark, sunglasses H&M 

Outfit je simpl in super za sproščen dan :) 

Outfit is really simple and perfect for relaxed day :)

sreda, 1. junij 2011

Tag: How much is your face worth?

Torej...Summer. iz The Dollhouse Diary (eden izmed mojih najljubših blogov, definitivno priporočam da si ga ogledate!) me je taggala v neki simpatični zadevi kjer na kup zbereš vse izdelke ki jih dnevno uporabljaš za make-up, zraven dopišeš cene in na koncu šokiran obsediš na stolu ko izračunaš koliko pravzaprav stane vsakodnevna make-up rutina. Pa začnimo -->

So, Summer. from The Dollhouse Diary (one of my favourite blogs, you should check it out!) tagged me in this cute tag thingy where you collect everything you use for your everyday make-up, write down the prices and the calculate how much money you spend on your face...pretty cool right?Lets start -->


Balea Aqua Serum --> 3€
Sophyto Mega Omegas--> 30€


Everyday Minerals Base Golden Fair in Original Glo formula --> 14€

Everyday Minerals concealers in Intensive Fair and Multitasking --> 10€ each = 20€


Everyday Minerals blusher Bollywood --> 0 € cause i got it for free...yaaay :P


Sleek Makeup Storm Palette --> 11€

Mascara Max Factor False Lash Effect --> 10€


Sleek Makeup Pout Polish in Pink Cadillac -->  6€

100% Pure lipstick Seduce --> 16€

                                                          Ok, so that's about it :)

          All together my face costs me about 110€ / 96£ / 158 $ 
                  I tag anyone who wants to make this post, cause i had so much fun doing it :)

                      Oh and this is what comes out on almost everyday basis :P  LOL