Torbo ste zdaj verjetno opazile že pri nekaj outfitih ampak si ne morem pomagat...preprosto obožujem velike torbe in ko se v eno zapičim jo nosim non-stop. Trenutno je torej največ v uporabi rjava torba iz Primarka in še zdaj ne morem verjeti da me je stala samo 10funtov.
On slovenian site Ljubljana street style you can check out what slovenian fashion blogger carry in their favourite bags --> click. I decided to participate as well and this is what i have in my (currently fav) bag -->
You must have seen it like a hundred times by now in my outfits but i can't help myself...i just love big bags and when i get one i really like i wear it all the time. Right now, my fav is a brown bag from Primark that cost me around 10 pounds.
Btw, na sliki se malenkost vidi šal ki mi ga je fant poleg slamnika in kopalk podaril za rojstni dan...kar naprej bi ga nosila, i love it!
Btw, you can see my new scarf that my BF gave me on my birthday (besides a straw hat and swimsuits)...i want to wear it all the time, i love it!
Kljub velikosti torbe pa je vsebina precej minimalistična in sabo nosim le najnujnejše stvari. To so:
- sončna očala --> ker nikoli ne veš kdaj bo posijalo sonce
- denarnica --> kaj bi brez ogromne denarnice ne vem...imam jo že nekaj let in mogoče je čas da jo počasi zamenjam ;)
- mobitel Samsung Galaxy S --> brez tega res ne zapustim hiše, kljub temu da mi uspe spregledat večino neodgovorjenih klicev in :)
- flaška za vodo --> ker sem kar naprej žejna in ker je treba skrbeti za hidracijo telesa...še posebej v tem času!
- Hurraw balzam za ustnice --> tega sem ukradla fantu ker takoooo lepo diši po limeti in je must have za vlaženje ustnic
- šminka 100% Pure --> Lahka in vlažilna, popolna za hitri touch up kadar je potrebno :)
- krema za roke --> ker ne maram občutka suhih rok
- svinčnik --> če je treba slučajno kaj zapisat...mogoče ne bi bilo slabo če bi si omislila še beležko :P
- sunglasses --> you never know when the sun will shine
- a wallet --> i don't know what i'd do without a big wallet...i have it for a few years now and i guess it's time form a new one :)
- Samsung Galaxy S cellphone --> i never leave my house without it...although i do manage to miss out on most of my phonecalls and messages...whoops :)
- a water bottle --> cause i'm thirsty all the time and cause we have to take care of hydration...especially in the summer!
- Hurraw lip balm --> i stole it from my BF cause it smells so lime!It's perfect :)
- 100% Pure lipstick --> light and natural...perffect for a quick touch up when needed.
- hand cream --> i don't like the feeling of dry hands
- a pencil --> in cause i have to write smth down...i guess i could buy myself a notebook to go with the pencil as well :P
So what's in your favourite handbag?