Zdaj pa še lepši del bloga...slike in kombinacije ;)
Just 5 more days, just 5 more days...and i'll get rid of my final exams this year!You can imagine i'm more busy counting down the days than studying but i'cant help it. December is my fav, because of thousands of lights in the city, hanging out with friends...yet i have to stay at home and study. I'm a bit angry because i didn't start studying sooner, and because i'm so lazy. Oh well. It kind of comforts me i still have a whole year for all the exams, and passing these two would only be a cherry on the top. Let's hope for the best!
And now the prettier part of this blog....photos&combos :)
- siva oblekca (grey dress) --> net-a-porter.com (i love it!)
- žabice (tights) --> Calzedonia
- knee high boots
- torbica (mini satchel) --> TopShop ( i love it because it's super cute and different than what we usually wear)
- prstan (ring) --> Dorothy Perkins
- uhani (earrings) --> Fantasyjewelrybox.com
- baretka (beret) --> Accesorize
- lak za nohte (nail polish) --> Chanel (although i think Catrice Back to Black would be even better for this combo...?)
In še drugi del miklavža, ki je nosil pri fantovih starših :) -->
L'occitane krema za roke Cherry Blossom (hand creme Cherry Blossom)...my favourite scent!!!
Super kjut nogavičke...motiv je čudovit!
Super cute socks...i love the motive!
Knjiga...Komaj čakam da kaj spečem!
A book (recipes for cookies and all other sweet thing i love)...i can't wait to bake smth!
Joj, kolk daril! Pa je bil sele Miklavz :) Kaj bo sele konec meseca :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIz kombinacije vzamem lak in oblekco. Pa seveda baretko.
všeč sta mi oblekca in prstan.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMiklavž ti je pa prinesel same fajn stvari. :)
Upam, da boš naredila še ta zadnji izpit!;) Potem pa diploma?
OdgovoriIzbrišiPri vas pa je Miklavž zelo radodaren. Vse mi je všeč, še posebej kuharska knjiga!:)
Lepa darilca <3 Pa srečno na izpitu ;)
OdgovoriIzbriši@Zala: jaaa, vem!ogromno daril...sej pravim, sploh nisem pričakovala zato sem bila pa toliko bolj presenečena :)
OdgovoriIzbriši@rammsteingirl: oblekica je res super :)
@Fashionista: uf, ne ne...zadnji izpit za ta mesec :) diploma pride malce kasneje...zdaj sem 3.letnik, drugo leto me čaka še 4. (sem še stari sistem), potem pa šele diploma. Hvala za lepe želje, upam da mi res uspe!
@Ana: hvala :) bom potrebovala vso srečo, ki jo lahko dobim da bo padla ena lepa ocena :D
srečo?:P ah, znanje je dovolj:) hahahaha
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think this set is chic and elegant. The satchel is so pretty.:D
OdgovoriIzbrišiI've never smelled that hand creme, I must check it out. Good luck with studying and have a wonderful weekend!:D
***** Marie *****
Super kombinacija! Želim ti veliko uspeha pri izpitih! Saj bo šlo. =)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWau! Super kmbinacija tale oblekica, škornji, baretka, lak ...Mmmm