nedelja, 15. april 2012

Hurraw! Lip balm review

Hurraw! lip balms are the one thing that i always keep in my purse. I've been using them for some time now and i absolutely love them.
What are Hurraw! lip balms anyway?

In my humble opinion they are by far the best lip balms i've ever had. They are all natural, vegan and made from premium raw, organic and fair trade ingredients. The core ingredients in Hurraw! lip balms are almond oil, coconut oil, cacao butter, jojoba oil, olive oil, castor oil, candelila wax and different flavors that are derived from 100% natural sources. To sum everything up --> they are a real nourishing bomb for your lips.

I've tried a couple of them (unfortunately 2 are missing on the picture): Black cherry, Lime, Lemon, Moon balm and Mint.

Since my lips are pretty sensitive, they're in need of a constant care. I'm usually dealing with problems like chapped and dry lips and i can honestly say these lip balms do their magic and really help me with my problems.

What is the application like?

The thing i like the most is that it's not sticky and grainy and that it's long lasting. The nice smell is also one of the best things about this balm, cause it's not to intrusive. My favourite Hurraw! balm is Lime.

This one is my absolute favourite and i've already used up the second one. The scent is amazing, just as if i was putting fresh lime on my lips (except that it's much more nourishing). It's perfect for summer, because of it's fresh smell.

Another interesting thing about this balm is it's oval shape which makes application really precise and easy.

Lemon balm is right behind the Lime one. This one also had a relly fresh scent, just like freshy squeezed lemonade. I had lots of problems deciding weather i want the Lemon or the Lime one, but i went for the Lime one in the end. Orange and Grapefruit are still on my wishlist.

I use Moon Balm before i go to sleep, cause it nourishes my lips are through the night. The scent is subtle vanilla. Even though this is a wonderful lip balm, i prefer the Lime&Lemon one, only because i really like fresh scents.

Pluses +
+ organic, cruelty free and fair trade ingredients
+ nourishes lips beautifully 
+ wide range of different scents 
+ good and reasonable price

Minuses -
-the scent of some lip balms can be pretty overwhelming, but at the end that really just depends on what kind of scents you like.

Another interesting thing: At Hurraw! they hand mix and individually pour each tube of Hurraw! Balm.

Have you ever tried Hurraw! lip balms?

How did you like them?

Which one is your favourite?

Hurraw! balzami za ustnice

Hurraw balzami so stalnica v moji torbici. Uporabljam jih že nekaj mesecev in sem preprosto navdušena. 
Kaj sploh so Hurraw! balzamčki?

No, po mojem skromnem mnenju so to daleč najboljši balzami kar sem jih kdaj imela. Gre za izdelek iz organskih, veganskih, presnih, cruelty free in fair trade sestavin. V samem balzamčku pa se skriva mandljevo olje, kokosovo olje, kakavovo maslo, jojobino olje, olivno olje, ricinovo olje, kandelijin vosek, vse skupaj pa se lepo zaokroži z različnimi okusi (npr. višnja, chai spice itd.), ki so 100% naravni. Hurraw torej v sebi skriva pravo negovalno bombo za ustnice.

Preizkusila sem torej že nekaj balzamčkov (2 žal manjkata na sliki), in sicer: Črno češnjo, limeto (moj naaaajljubši), limono in mint.

Sama imam zelo občutljive ustnice, ki potrebujejo konstantno nego. Srečujem se s problemi kot so pekoče,razpokane in suhe ustnice. Teli lip balzami mi zelo pomagajo pri vseh zgoraj naštetih težav in mi dokaj hitro pomirijo še tako razdražene ustnice.

Kakšen je občutek po nanosu?

Najbolj mi je všeč da balzam ni lepljiv in zrnat, ter da je precej dolgoobstojen. Še boljša stvar pa je vonj, ki pa ni vsiljiv --> meni najljubši je definitivno Limeta 

 Limetin hurrawček je torej moj najljubši in sem pred kratkim ravno porabila že drugega. Vonj je neverjeten, kot da bi si ustnice namazala s svežo limeto (samo da je veliko bolj negovalen) in je popoln za poletne dni, ravno zaradi svežega vonja.

Še ena zanimiva stvar je neobičajna oblika, ki je ovalna in nam omogoča natančen nanos.

Takoj za limeto sledi limona. Prav tako zelo svež vonj, čisto po sveži limonadi. Nazadnje sem imela precej težav pri izbiri med limono in limeto saj sta mi oba zelo všeč, a sem se na koncu le odločila za limeto. Vsekakor pa čakajo na vrsto še pomaranča in grejpfrut.

Tale nočni hurrawček je definitivno čudovit za nanos pred spanjem, ker lepo neguje ustnice skozi celo noč, vonj pa je nekako nežno vanilijin. Kljub temu da gre za čudovit balzam, grejo vseeno vse moje točke zgornjima dvema, ravno zaradi vonja. Gre za osebno preferenco, saj so mi bolj všeč sveži in citrusni vonji :)

Plusi +
+ organski, cruelty free in fair trade sestavine
+ lepo neguje in nahrani ustnice
+ široka izbira različnih okusov
+ dostopna cena (4,99€ -5,50€ na Or-ca spletni strani, dobi pa se jih tudi na tujih spletnih straneh kot je np.r Hurraw! in )

Minusi -
- vonj nekaterih balzamčkov zna biti precej izrazit, vendar pa je to odvisno od vsakega posameznika in kaj nam je všeč :)

Še ena zanimivost: celoten postopek je opravljen ročno. Od nabiranja sestavin, mešanja in ročnega polnjenja embalaže :)

Ste že kdaj preizkusili Hurraw balzame?

Kakšne so vaše izkušnje z njimi?

Kateri je vaš najljubši?

sreda, 11. april 2012

Skulls, clouds and smiles

Despite the fact the weather is totally crappy these days, i feel kinda great. And even though i have A LOT of work to do for college, i just try to keep my head up high and stay optimistic :P my goals for this year are pretty high so i have to give it my all to achieve what i want. I really think the key is in good organization.

Enough about weather and school...pretty boring stuff right?:) Here's what i was wearing today...i didn't really fell like dressing up, so i just put on something warm and comfortable, and spiced it up with this totally cool skull scarf that i borrowed from my sister -->

I'm wearing: Shirt, sweater, black jeans, bag and parka H&M, skull scarf Primark, spike bracelet Asos, fantasy ring Disney, black ankle boots Graceland.

I can't wait for warmer days cause i already updated my wardrobe with some pretty springy/summery stuff and i can't wait to show them to you :)

What's new in your wardrobe?

Already getting ready for higher temperatures?

Have fun ladies,
