Doma pa so naju pričakale precej nizke temperature zato je tudi outfit temu primern :) to se mi je zdela super priložnost da razkažem novo jopico, ki sem jo (med drugimi stvarmi) kupila na we go -->
I'm back dear readers :) me and my BF went on a little vacation and had a great time even though the weather wasn't perfect...when we got back home, we were a bit surprised how cold it was so i put togeher this outfit to keep me warm and to show off my new cardigan i bought on sales (among other things) we go -->
V ozadju pa še ena nova pridobitev---> novo kolo <3
You can see my new bike at the bacground <3
Showing off the accessories :P
I really love this little detail on the cardigan <3 it's super sweet!
I'm wearing: black jeans Stradivarius, belt Primark, black t-shirt, cardigan Zara, scarf H&M, ring Primark, watch Asos, sunglasses Vogue
Kakšni so vaši načrti za danes?Jaz se odpravljam na stand up na Trnfest...poznate?Vsekakor priporočam :D
So what are your plans for today?I'm going to this summer festival called Trnfest :) i can't wait!