Danes vam bom predstavila novost v moji kozmetični omarici in sicer Sleek Make-up Pout Polish v odtenku Pink Cadillac. Že ime je mamljivo a ne?Kljub začetnemu kolebanju če bi, ne bi, bi....sem se odločila za nakup in nisem razočarana. Pravzaprav je postal must-have izdelek, ne samo zaradi barve, super vonja in prijetnega občutka na ustnicah, pač pa tudi zato ker ima SPF 15 --> veeelik + :)
Today i'd like to show you my newest product from Sleek Make-up...it's Pout Polish Pink Cadillac. The name already sounds appealing right?At first i wasn't sure weather i should buy it or not, but now i'm super happy i did cause it became one of my fav products. And it's not just because of the color, or the nice smell and great feeling it leaves on the lips...it has SPF 15 --> a biiiiig + :)
Today i'd like to show you my newest product from Sleek Make-up...it's Pout Polish Pink Cadillac. The name already sounds appealing right?At first i wasn't sure weather i should buy it or not, but now i'm super happy i did cause it became one of my fav products. And it's not just because of the color, or the nice smell and great feeling it leaves on the lips...it has SPF 15 --> a biiiiig + :)
Sleek Make-up Pout Polish Pink Cadillac
Nanašam ga kar z mini čopičem za senčila od Essence (shame on me :P)
I like to use mini brush for eyeshadow from Essence (shame on me :P)
In še malo afnanja...všeč mi je ker lahko intenzivnost barve uravnavamo s količino nanešenega izdelka. Na spodnjih fotkah se vidi da nisem pretiravala, da vse skupaj izpade bolj naravno.
P.S. Sem make-up free, ker se se želela osredotočiti samo na ustnice ;)
And now a little bit of fooling around...I like it because the color intensity can be regulated by the amount of product we use. You can see on the pics below i didn't overexaggerate, cause i wanted it to look more natural.
P.S. I make-up free, cause i wanted to concentrate on the lips ;)
I'm wearing: Pout Polish in Pink Cadillac from Sleek Makeup
Kako vam je všeč?Ga že imate?Kakšni so vaši vtisi o Sleek Makeup-u...jaz sem navdušena!
Do you like it?Perhaps already have it?What are you thoughts on Sleek Makeup in general?I love it!