nedelja, 29. maj 2011

Let's take a ride with Pink Cadillac

Danes vam bom predstavila novost v moji kozmetični omarici in sicer Sleek Make-up Pout Polish v odtenku Pink Cadillac. Že ime je mamljivo a ne?Kljub začetnemu kolebanju če bi, ne bi, bi....sem se odločila za nakup in nisem razočarana. Pravzaprav je postal must-have izdelek, ne samo zaradi barve, super vonja in prijetnega občutka na ustnicah, pač pa tudi zato ker ima SPF 15 --> veeelik + :)

Today i'd like to show you my newest product from Sleek's Pout Polish Pink Cadillac. The name already sounds appealing right?At first i wasn't sure weather i should buy it or not, but now i'm super happy i did cause it became one of my fav products. And it's not just because of the color, or the nice smell and great feeling it leaves on the has SPF 15 --> a biiiiig + :)

                                                     Sleek Make-up Pout Polish Pink Cadillac
 Nanašam ga kar z mini čopičem za senčila od Essence (shame on me :P)

I like to use mini brush for eyeshadow from Essence (shame on me :P)

In še malo afnanja...všeč mi je ker lahko intenzivnost barve uravnavamo s količino nanešenega izdelka. Na spodnjih fotkah se vidi da nisem pretiravala, da vse skupaj izpade bolj naravno.
P.S. Sem make-up free, ker se se želela osredotočiti samo na ustnice ;)

And now a little bit of fooling around...I like it because the color intensity can be regulated by the amount of product we use. You can see on the pics below i didn't overexaggerate, cause i wanted it to look more natural.
P.S. I make-up free, cause i wanted to concentrate on the lips ;) 

I'm wearing: Pout Polish in Pink Cadillac from Sleek Makeup

Kako vam je všeč?Ga že imate?Kakšni so vaši vtisi o Sleek Makeup-u...jaz sem navdušena!

Do you like it?Perhaps already have it?What are you thoughts on Sleek Makeup in general?I love it!

ponedeljek, 23. maj 2011

Put on some gold, flip your hair back and hit the road

O ja...čutim da je poletje tik pred vrati. Temperature se višajo, izpitna obdobja bližajo in kot se spodobi misli uhajajo k morju, kopalkam, pesku med nogami, mojitotom, brezskrbnemu poležavanju na plaž, a mogoče že preveč razmišljam o tem?No, nazaj v realnost. Dejstvo je da me čaka naporn mesec, ampak me te misli ^^ motivirajo in mi dajejo energijo za nadaljne izzive. Že imate plane za poletne počitnice?Kam vas bo zaneslo?

Oh yes...i can feel the summer knocking on the door. The temperatures are getting higher, exams are closer and closer but all i can think about is sand between my toes, swimsuits, sea, mojitos and carefree, am i thinking too much about it already?Eh, back to reality. I have a really busy month ahead of me, but all these things ^^ keep me motivated and give me energy for the next challenge. What are your plans for this summer?

I'm wearing: shirt H&M, cardigan Zara, jeans Stradivarius, bag New Look, flats New Look, necklace H&M, ring Primark, sunglasses H&M 

                                Nailpolish from London --> MUA no.12 i love it, it's super cute :)

Lep sončen dan vam želim vsem...jaz pa šibam nazaj za knjige :*

I wish you all a beautiful sunny i have to go study :*

torek, 17. maj 2011


Lep sončen dan :) Jaz sem ga polovico preživela za knjigami (blaaaah...boring), polovico pa so zafilali sprehod po mestu, najboljše kosilo (lososova solata...yummy), limonada, enourni babji čvek po telefonu (podiram rekorde...haha, celo javila sem se enkrat za spremembo) in uživanje na sončku.

Zdaj pa k outfitu!Stvar je taka...nisem ravno fenica animal print-a ampak verjamem da zadeva v mejah okusa zgleda precej hudo, zato sem si pri outfitu zamislila tale mini preobrat in dodala rožico z leopardjim vzorcem (rawr), ki sem jo lani dobila od Ane v njenem giveaway-u!

Beautiful sunny day :) i spent one half studying (blaaaah...boring), and the other half walking around the city, having the beeest salmon salad ever, refreshing with some lemonade and spent an hour chatting on the phone with my girl (that's a record...haha, i even managed to answer the phone for a change...great success!).

And now the outfit!The thing is...i'm not really a fan of animal print, but i do believe it can look pretty awesome if you don't exaggerate, so i added a little twist to my outfit and decided to wear this cute flower with leopard print that i got last year from a fellow blogger Ana in her giveaway!

I totally love this green's awesome and i borrowed it from my sis'!

 I'm wearing Stradivarius black jeans, white top from H&M, flower with leopard print H&M, ballerinas New Yorker, green ring H&M and a bag from Primark

Na mojih nohtih tisti dan pa je Nails Inc. Candy Orange lak, ki sem ga dobila v eni izmed svojih najljubših revij. Potrebuje samo 1 nanos, suši se hitro in mi drži že cel teden in je še vedno flawless :)

 Kako se vam zdi?Kakšno je vaše mnenje o animal print-u?Poznate Nails Inc. lake?Ta je moj prvi in sem tako navdušena da gotovo ne bo zadnji!

On my nails that day was Nails Inc. Candy Orange nailpolish that i got in one of my favourite magazines i bought in London. It needs one coat, dries fast and is still flawless after a week :)

Do you like the outfit?What's your opinion on animal print?Do you know Nails Inc. polishes?This one was my first and it blew me away so i want more!

sobota, 14. maj 2011

It's all about clothes&shoes

Torej...Blogger je imel zadnje 2 dni očitno probleme, saj mi je par vaših komenatarjev žal zbrisalo, eno objavo pa je zdržal zase....mogoče jo spišem še 1x, ampak predlagam da gremo k prijetnejšim opravilom :)

Začnemo s čevlji?Pa dajmo -->

So...Blogger had a couple of problems this last 2 days and it deleted a few of your comments and unfortunately deleted one blog post...maybe i'll write everything down again, but for now i suggest we get on to more fun stuff :)

Shall we start with some shoes?Lets -->

Primark je pravi raj za čevlje...sicer pa od njih ne pričakujem preveč saj so bili izredno poceni. Ampak kako naj bi jih pustila tam?Na-a :P

Primark is a paradise for shoes...i don't expect much from tehm (cause they were really cheap)...but i couldn't just leave them there right?Na-a :P

Primark again...

New Look balerinke...ljubezen na prvi pogled!

New Look at first sight!

New Look...tako simpatična majčka :) gledala sem jo že na spletni strani in sem bila presrečna da sem jo našla tudi v Londonu!

New Look cute T-Shirt :) i had my eyes on this one when i first saw it on their web page so i was really happy to get it in London!

Blazer New Look...slike mu delajo krivico, oblečen pride božanski!Pri tem sem imela prav srečo, saj je bil med zadnjimi kosi :P

Blazer from New don't do him justice, cause it's some much prettier when dressed!I was lucky with this one, cause i found it among last pieces :P

New Look...rožice all the way!

New Look....flower all the way!

Se tudi ve tako intenzivno pripravljate na poletje?Oziroma, bolje rečeno...že polnite omare s poletnimi kosi?Poznate New Look?Kako ste zadovoljne s kvaliteto?Pa Primarkom?

Are you getting ready for the summer as well?Or, should i rather say...are you filling your wardrobes with summer pieces?Are you familiar with New Look?How do you like it?And what about quality of Primark stuff?

četrtek, 12. maj 2011

Chilling in Hyde Park and chasing squirrels

Haha, vem...o kakšnih vevericah govorim?No, tudi sama sem bila zelo presenečena kako prijazne in ne boječe so te male živalce. Nikoli jih še nisem videla 5 na kupu, kako se prosto sprehajajo med ljudmi v parku in kako blizu tudi pridejo.

Po Londonskih ulicah sem se sprehajala oblečena v kavbojke, nove Keds'ke, belo majico in modro jopico. Simpl in udobno za cel dan ogledov in posedanja po parkih s Costa coffe v rokah (btw odlična kava...tudi meni se je zdela boljša od Sturbucksove!).

Haha i know...what squirrels am i talking about?Well i was pretty surprised myself to see how sweet and unafraid those little animals were. I've never seen 5 squirrels in a bunch, hanging in the park and getting so close to human.

I was walking around London streets dressed in jeans, new Keds's shoes, white top and blue cardigan. Simple and cosy for all day sightseeing and hanging in the parks with Costa coffee in my hands (btw, great coffee...i find it better than starbucks as well!)

They seemed to love my boyfriend...they kept climbing on to him haha :) who knows why? but don't worry i got one to climb on me to...great success hahaha :P

I'm wearing: jeans Zara, white shirt H&M, cardigan New Yorker, shoes Keds, bag Asos, sunglasses H&M

torek, 10. maj 2011

It's all about accessories&bags

London je bil fantastičen in je presegel vsa pričakovanja. S fantom sva si ogledala vse kar sva imela v planu (in še malenkost več), saj sva bila v pogonu od jutra do večera, celoten dan pa sva nato predebatirala še v lokalnem pubu ob vrčku pivca :) ni lepšega. Nastala je poplava slik vseh vrst, med drugim tudi kakšnega outfita in novih pridobitev zato mislim da je najboljše da kar začnemo...z modnimi dodatki in torbicami -->

London was fantastic and it exceeded all my expectations. My BF and i saw everything we had in plan ( and a bit more actually), so we were on our feet all day long, and then we chilled at the local pub to sum up everything that day and chatted over a nice cold beer :) it doesn't get better than that. We made a bunch of photos, including a few outfit pics and pics of everything i bought, so i suggest we get to it :P let's start with accessories and bags -->

Primark (doooh) -->

I can't wait to wear this one...i love it!

Primark is the place to be...agree?

Moving on to the em' all -->

Darilo za sestrin rojstni dan...upam da mi jo bo kdaj posodila ;)
A present for my sister's birthday....i hope i can borrow it sometimes ;)

Primark clutch bag

New Look oversized golden it!

Little Primark coral bag...i just think it's adorable :)

Primark brown satchel...very convenient and spacey!Just what i was looking for :)