Brez šopinga v Italiji pač ne gre!Se strinjamo?
Italy is a great place for shopping...agree?
Pupa Powder Eyshadow v srebrno/belkasti in zlato/bronasti različici -->
Pupa Powder Eyshadow in white/silver and golden/bronze color -->
In še swatchi -->
Senčke so zelo pigmentirane in se lepo nanašajo s primerno podlago...brez podlage leti prah povsod kjer ga hočeš in nočeš!Ti dve barvi pa sem si izbrala zato, ker se mi zdita super za poživitev vsakdanjega make-upa :)
The shades are very well pigmented and are great when using eyeshadow base...without base, the shadow dust is everywhere you want it to be and everywhere you don't want it to be :P I chose these two, because i really like the colors and i think they're great for everyday make-up :)
Druga pridobitev pa so novi H&M lakci -->
And some new H&M nail polishes -->
1 = Bright Purple
2 = Grey
3 = Coral
4 = Dark Purple
Sicer imena niso ravno originalna, so pa zato odtenki č jih poswatchala pa so žal moji nohti na rehabu ker pancarji in dolgi nohti pač ne gredo dobro skupaj :)
The names aren't really original, but the colors are very pretty...i wanted to show you some swatches, but my nail are currently on rehab!Skiboots and nails don't go together so well :)
nedelja, 27. februar 2011
Skiing in Dolomiti :)
Pa sem nazaj!Preživela sem čudovit smučarski teden v Dolomitih, presmučala Sella Rondo, Passo San Pellegrino in Falcade po dolgem in počez...vreme, sneg in smučišca so nam bila naklonjena, ker smo imeli cel teden sonček, super sneg in še gužve ni bilo!
I'm back!I just spend a wonderful week in Dolomiti (Italia). Sella Ronda, Passo San Pellegrino and Falcade were great!And i must say the weather and snow were in our favor, cause it was sunny all week, the snow was great and the ski areas weren't crowded at all!
Nekaj fotk -->
Some photos -->
Grappa Ecologica (kornet s čokolado in likerjem) yummy :)
Kako ste pa vi preživeli prejšnji teden?
How was your week?
I'm back!I just spend a wonderful week in Dolomiti (Italia). Sella Ronda, Passo San Pellegrino and Falcade were great!And i must say the weather and snow were in our favor, cause it was sunny all week, the snow was great and the ski areas weren't crowded at all!
Nekaj fotk -->
Some photos -->
Grappa Ecologica (kornet s čokolado in likerjem) yummy :)
Kako ste pa vi preživeli prejšnji teden?
How was your week?
četrtek, 17. februar 2011
New nail polishes and a new haircut
Uf, same novosti...torej, nekaj časa nazaj sem si naročila 4 lakce in par dni nazaj so me že pričakali doma. Naročila sem si naslednje lepotce:
I got lots of new goodies...a few week ago i orderd these beauties and now i finally have them at home. Here they are:
China Glaze --> First Mate
China Glaze --> Below Deck
Color Club --> High Society
Color Club --> Gossip Column
Prvi, ki sem ga preizkusila je China Glaze First Mate, ki je čudovit temnomoder kremast odtenek. Všeč mi je da je polno prekriven že po prvem nanosu, zdaj pa samo upam da se bo čimdlje obdržal na nohtih :)
The first polish i tried is First Mate from China Glaze. It's a gorgeous dark blue creamy shade. I really like the fact that it's fully opaque in only one coat, i just wish it will stay on my nails pol a long time :)
In še ena novost. Prejšnji teden sem pri frizerju pustila približno 10cm las, in zdaj po svetu hodim s takole frizuro -->
And another new thing. Last week a went to my hairdresser and she cut about 10cm now i walk around, looking like this -->
Sicer pogrešam da me nekaj žgečka po hrbtu, ampak se tolažim da bodo hitro zrasli :)
Although i miss the tickling feeling on my back, i said to, they'll grow back soon :)
I got lots of new goodies...a few week ago i orderd these beauties and now i finally have them at home. Here they are:
China Glaze --> First Mate
China Glaze --> Below Deck
Color Club --> High Society
Color Club --> Gossip Column
Prvi, ki sem ga preizkusila je China Glaze First Mate, ki je čudovit temnomoder kremast odtenek. Všeč mi je da je polno prekriven že po prvem nanosu, zdaj pa samo upam da se bo čimdlje obdržal na nohtih :)
The first polish i tried is First Mate from China Glaze. It's a gorgeous dark blue creamy shade. I really like the fact that it's fully opaque in only one coat, i just wish it will stay on my nails pol a long time :)
In še ena novost. Prejšnji teden sem pri frizerju pustila približno 10cm las, in zdaj po svetu hodim s takole frizuro -->
And another new thing. Last week a went to my hairdresser and she cut about 10cm now i walk around, looking like this -->
Sicer pogrešam da me nekaj žgečka po hrbtu, ampak se tolažim da bodo hitro zrasli :)
Although i miss the tickling feeling on my back, i said to, they'll grow back soon :)
ponedeljek, 14. februar 2011
Happy Valentines
Drage moje veselo in zaljubljeno valentinovo :) :*
My dear ladies...happy valentines day :) :*
Kako ste preživele današnji dan?
How did you spend this lovely day?
My dear ladies...happy valentines day :) :*
- obleka (dress) --> Bank Fashion
- čevlji (shoes) --> L.A.M.B
- torbica (clutch) --> Alexander McQueen
- prstan (ring) --> Swarovski
- parfum (perfume) --> Marc Jacobs Daisy
- lak za nohte (nail polish) --> Nars
Kako ste preživele današnji dan?
How did you spend this lovely day?
nedelja, 13. februar 2011
Cute and sporty
Kako ste preživeli vikend?Čeprav ni bil tako sončkast kot sem si želela sem se imela super in se pripravila na teden, ki sledi. Čaka me namreč še en izpit, potem gremo pa za 1 teden na smučanje v Italijo in komaj čakam :) Res že pogrešam sneg in smučarijo!Heh, bomo končno prišla na svoj račun :P
How was your weekend?Even though it wasn't as sunny as expected i had i great time and i prepared myself for next week. I've got one more exam, and then i'm gone for i week cause we're going skiing...i can't wait!I really miss the snow and skiind!Heh, i'm glad we're going in this vacations :P
In še ena bolj športna kombinacija:
And a sporty combination:
How was your weekend?Even though it wasn't as sunny as expected i had i great time and i prepared myself for next week. I've got one more exam, and then i'm gone for i week cause we're going skiing...i can't wait!I really miss the snow and skiind!Heh, i'm glad we're going in this vacations :P
In še ena bolj športna kombinacija:
And a sporty combination:
- jeans
- roza pulover (pink sweater) --> H&M
- superge (snickers) --> H&M
- torba (bag) --> BananaRepublic
- lipgloss --> Nars
- Parfum Vera Wang
- lak za nohte (nail polish) --> Sinful Colors Beautiful Girl
torek, 8. februar 2011
love, cherish, dream
Mmmm, uživam....uživam ob kavici in sončku :) Uživam ob dejstvu da se zadnje dni počutim fantastično in optimistično in da sem nasmejana že praktično cel teden. Priznam tudi da me je večkrat obšel trenutek brezskrbnosti...oh kako paše!Ob vseh skrbeh, predvsem zaradi faksa, se prav prileže. Mini počitnice, kot so bile tele zdaj so zakon!Kakšne so bile vaše?
Mmmm, i feel sooo good these last few days :) I'm chilling out on the sun on my balcony with coffee feeling fantastic and optimistic...I admit i had a few carefree moments as well, and it feels so good :) studying really drains all the energy out of me. These mini vacations were super great!
Ena brezskrba kombinacija za te popolne sončkaste dni:
A carefree combination for these perfect sunny days:
Mmmm, i feel sooo good these last few days :) I'm chilling out on the sun on my balcony with coffee feeling fantastic and optimistic...I admit i had a few carefree moments as well, and it feels so good :) studying really drains all the energy out of me. These mini vacations were super great!
Ena brezskrba kombinacija za te popolne sončkaste dni:
A carefree combination for these perfect sunny days:
- kavbojke (jeans)
- srajčka (tunic) --> H&M
- gležnarji (ankle boots) --> TopShop
- torbica (cute little bag) --> Barneys (Jacquard handbags)
- verižica s ključkom (key necklace)
- sončna očala (sunglasses) --> Forever21
- lak za nohte (nail polish) --> Essie
ponedeljek, 7. februar 2011
Photoshoot with Helena Milost
Včeraj sem preživela zelo zanimiv dan...namreč prelevila sem se v vlogo modela!Helena (njeno delo lahko počekirate tukaj: klik)me je prosila, če bi ji pozirala in tako sva se dogovorili na prelepo sončno nedeljo. Izkušnja je bila enkratna....najprej sem imela nekaj težav s tremo in pozami (se vidi da nimam nobenih izkušenj), potem pa smo začele s puncami listat revije kot so Vogue, Elle itd. in začele odkrivat nenavadne poze in izraze. In kaj je nastalo?
I had a very interesting day yesterday....i was a model for a day!Helena (you can check out her work here: click) asked me if i would pose for her and so we agreed to meet on a beautiful sunny Sunday. It was a great first i had some trouble with posing (i have no experience what-so-ever), but then we found some interesting poses in Elle and Vogue...wanna se the pictures?
Foto: Helena Milost
MU: Tamara Milost
Hvala Helena za to super izkušnjo :)
I had a very interesting day yesterday....i was a model for a day!Helena (you can check out her work here: click) asked me if i would pose for her and so we agreed to meet on a beautiful sunny Sunday. It was a great first i had some trouble with posing (i have no experience what-so-ever), but then we found some interesting poses in Elle and Vogue...wanna se the pictures?
Foto: Helena Milost
MU: Tamara Milost
Hvala Helena za to super izkušnjo :)
četrtek, 3. februar 2011
She - 427
Pravljična barva, sanjski nanos in ugodna cena....vse to je She-427!Očaral me je v trenutku ko sem ga opazila na blogu od Anne (klik) in seveda letela v Dm po svojo flaško. Ni mi žal!To je definitivno eden izmed must have odtenkov za dneve ko ne veste kaj točno bi dale na nohte, ali za dneve ko se vam kam mudi saj se lak zelo hitro suši. Mene je popolnoma vas?
Fairytail colour, dreamy application and a very wallet friendly price...i'm talking about She-427!I was blown away when i saw it on Anna's blog (click) and i had to have it ASAP. I'm not sorry!This polish is a must have for the days you don't know what to put on your nails or when you're in a hurry (cause it dries really fast). I love it...and you?
Fairytail colour, dreamy application and a very wallet friendly price...i'm talking about She-427!I was blown away when i saw it on Anna's blog (click) and i had to have it ASAP. I'm not sorry!This polish is a must have for the days you don't know what to put on your nails or when you're in a hurry (cause it dries really fast). I love it...and you?
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