V nedeljo sva šli s sestro en krog po trgovinah in nisem mogla da ne bi kupila novega para čevljev. Prvi test so že prestali in sem zaenkrat navdušena...zaradi širše pete so lepo hodni in stabilni, zato mi ni bil problem preživeti v njih pol dneva :)
Kupljeni so v Bershki in so bili znižani iz 80€ na 15€ :P Srečka jaz.
On Sunday me and my sis' went shopping and i couldn't resist these shoes. They have already passed the first test and i must say they are very nice to walk in and are really comfortable.
I bought them in Bershka and they were reduced from 80€ to 15€ :P Lucky me.
ponedeljek, 31. januar 2011
Ne morem verjeti da je danes že 31. januar...kaj nismo še prejšnji vikend praznovali novega leta?Zaradi izpitov sploh nimam občutka za čas in se mi včasih zazdi da dnevi in meseci bežijo mimo mene s svetlobno hitrostjo. Še trikrat zaspim pa bo že maj :P vsaj tako kaže!
Mimogrede, ko smo že pri maju...kaj je po vašem mnenju must see v Londonu?Definitivno planiram en popolnoma tipičen turistični ogled po najbolj očitnih znamenitostih, v soboto je planiran Notting Hill in Camden town (oz. market)...mogoče kakšne mjuzikal?
I can't believe it's 31st of January...didn't we celebrate New Year's last weekend?I've completely lost track of time, because of the exmas, and sometimes it feels like days and months are just passing by me with the speed of light. I'll go to bed for three times, and it's May already?At least it looks that way!
Speaking of May...what are the must see things in London?I'm definitely planning a tipical turist tour to see all the obvious attractions, on Saturday we'll go to Notting Hill and Camden town...maybe we should consider a musical?
Kombinacija za sproščeno pohajkovanje po prestolnicah...kakšna se vam zdi?
Combination for relaxed walking through capital cities...what do you think about it?
Mimogrede, ko smo že pri maju...kaj je po vašem mnenju must see v Londonu?Definitivno planiram en popolnoma tipičen turistični ogled po najbolj očitnih znamenitostih, v soboto je planiran Notting Hill in Camden town (oz. market)...mogoče kakšne mjuzikal?
I can't believe it's 31st of January...didn't we celebrate New Year's last weekend?I've completely lost track of time, because of the exmas, and sometimes it feels like days and months are just passing by me with the speed of light. I'll go to bed for three times, and it's May already?At least it looks that way!
Speaking of May...what are the must see things in London?I'm definitely planning a tipical turist tour to see all the obvious attractions, on Saturday we'll go to Notting Hill and Camden town...maybe we should consider a musical?
Kombinacija za sproščeno pohajkovanje po prestolnicah...kakšna se vam zdi?
Combination for relaxed walking through capital cities...what do you think about it?
- kavbojke (jeans)
- jopica (sweater) --> TopShop
- gležnarji (ankle boots) --> Zara
- torbica (bag) --> Zara
- sončna očala (sunglasses) --> Zara
- parfum (perfume) --> L'occitane Fleur Cherie
torek, 25. januar 2011
Golden Blue
Naredila izpiiit!Ta informacija mi je res zelo polepšala dan, predvsem zato ker sem na rezultate čakala skoraj 2 tedna :/ V četrtek je sicer pred mano še en izziv, ampak občutek je dober samo še ščepec sreče rabim in smo zmagal!
Moram priznat da sem si za nagrado spekla palačinke...haha :) k temu je pripomogla tudi lena rit, ker se mi ni dalo pripravljati česa drugega, zato so padle palačinke z nutelo in mandlji, eno pa sem skombinirala še s kokosom. Sm se uspešno opujskala!
Res uspešen dan!3x hura :) haha
Yeeey, i passed my exam!This info really made my day, since i had to wait for almost 2 weeks to find out i passed :/ i have another exam this Thursday, but i'm felling good about it...i just need a little bit of luck!
I have to admit i rewarded myself with pancakes...haha :) i guess this has a little something to do with the fact i was lazy and didn't feel like preparing anything else, so i made one with Nutella and almonds and coconut. I guess i was pretty successful at feeding me as well :P
In conclusion...this was a successful day!Hip hip hureeey :) haha
Zdaj pa še kombinacija, ki je bolj casual in bi jo z veseljem oblekla kdaj za na faks:
And now the combination that i a bit more casual and it just something i would wear to college.
Moram priznat da sem si za nagrado spekla palačinke...haha :) k temu je pripomogla tudi lena rit, ker se mi ni dalo pripravljati česa drugega, zato so padle palačinke z nutelo in mandlji, eno pa sem skombinirala še s kokosom. Sm se uspešno opujskala!
Res uspešen dan!3x hura :) haha
Yeeey, i passed my exam!This info really made my day, since i had to wait for almost 2 weeks to find out i passed :/ i have another exam this Thursday, but i'm felling good about it...i just need a little bit of luck!
I have to admit i rewarded myself with pancakes...haha :) i guess this has a little something to do with the fact i was lazy and didn't feel like preparing anything else, so i made one with Nutella and almonds and coconut. I guess i was pretty successful at feeding me as well :P
In conclusion...this was a successful day!Hip hip hureeey :) haha
Zdaj pa še kombinacija, ki je bolj casual in bi jo z veseljem oblekla kdaj za na faks:
And now the combination that i a bit more casual and it just something i would wear to college.
- modra majica (blue T-shirt) --> Miss Selfridge
- kavbojke (jeans)
- torba (bag) --> Zara
- superge (shoes) --> H&M
- verižica z robotkom (robot necklace) --> Asos
- sončna očala (sunglasses) --> H&M
- lak za nohte (nail polish) --> Nars
nedelja, 23. januar 2011
Sunny day :)
Sonček je in ti si skuštranaaa...lalala, ta pesem mi pleše po glavi že cel dan!Seveda....mika me vse samo knjige ne!Ampak se je treba zabubit, saj vsi vemo da brez nič ni nič :) Sploh pa se nimam kaj pritoževat, ker sem imela zelooo sproščujoč vikend, da se pripravim na nove izzive. Kako pa ste vi preživeli vikend?
Preden se odpravim v deželo znanja pa še utrinek iz prejšnega tedna. Babe smo se spet zbrale in praznovale Tajin rojstni dan :) Se vidi do kam sežejo novoletne zaobljube, kajti naš jedilnik je bil tak...
Yeeey, the it's sunny...i have so much energy today!But unfortunatly i have to study. No pain no gain, right? :) besides, i had a perfect relaxing weekend so i have nothing to complain about!How did you spend your weekend?
Before i get to "knowledge" land i would like to share a few ups from last week. My friend Taja was celebrating her birthday and we had so much fun. Here is what she prepared for us...
no...pa tudi tak ;) (cupcakesi so delo naše Tejčice)
and like this...
in še par nasmejanih obrazov :) :) :)
and our smiley faces :) :) :)
Preden se odpravim v deželo znanja pa še utrinek iz prejšnega tedna. Babe smo se spet zbrale in praznovale Tajin rojstni dan :) Se vidi do kam sežejo novoletne zaobljube, kajti naš jedilnik je bil tak...
Yeeey, the it's sunny...i have so much energy today!But unfortunatly i have to study. No pain no gain, right? :) besides, i had a perfect relaxing weekend so i have nothing to complain about!How did you spend your weekend?
Before i get to "knowledge" land i would like to share a few ups from last week. My friend Taja was celebrating her birthday and we had so much fun. Here is what she prepared for us...
no...pa tudi tak ;) (cupcakesi so delo naše Tejčice)
and like this...
in še par nasmejanih obrazov :) :) :)
and our smiley faces :) :) :)
torek, 18. januar 2011
Parokeets blog: 2nd birthday giveaway
Besede so popolnoma odveč!Dame pripravite si robčke in si oglejte naslednje slikce, na katerih je vse kar bo dobila ena srečkica...meni se že cedijo sline, pa vam?
Parokeetke namreč praznujejo že svoj 2. rojstni!To so tiste mične gospodične, ki vas že 2 leti razveseljujejo s swatci različnih lakcev in ostale kozmetike, vas seznanjajo z novostmi in ustvarjajo čudovite make-upe :)
Če želite sodelovati, klikni te tukaj --> Parokeets
No need for words!Ladies, prepare your tissues and check out these photos, because all of this can be yours!I'm already drooling, and you?
Parokeets are celebrating their 2nd birthday!I'm talking about those lovely ladies that surprises you with different nail polish swatches and other cosmetics, post about everything new in beauty world and create beautiful make-up looks for you :)
If you wish to enter this gorgeous giveaway click here --> Parokeets
Parokeetke namreč praznujejo že svoj 2. rojstni!To so tiste mične gospodične, ki vas že 2 leti razveseljujejo s swatci različnih lakcev in ostale kozmetike, vas seznanjajo z novostmi in ustvarjajo čudovite make-upe :)
Če želite sodelovati, klikni te tukaj --> Parokeets
No need for words!Ladies, prepare your tissues and check out these photos, because all of this can be yours!I'm already drooling, and you?
Parokeets are celebrating their 2nd birthday!I'm talking about those lovely ladies that surprises you with different nail polish swatches and other cosmetics, post about everything new in beauty world and create beautiful make-up looks for you :)
If you wish to enter this gorgeous giveaway click here --> Parokeets
ponedeljek, 17. januar 2011
Barry M --> Strawberry Icecream
Današnji sonček me je spravil v super voljo, kjub temu da naj bi bil danes najbolj depresiven v celem letu. Sicer ne vem na kakšnih dejstvih tovrstne raziskave temeljijo, ampak jaz še vedno mislim da je dan točno tak kot si ga narediš sam. Moj je bil torej sončkast...pa vaš?
Ravno iz tega razloga sem se odločila za bolj pomladni lak znamke Barry M Strawberry Ice-cream, ki potrebuje 2 sloja za popolno prekrivnost. Odtenek definitivno upraviči ime, kaj se vam zdi?
Today's sunshine really made me happy, despite the fact it's supposed to be the most depressive day of the year. I'm not sure on what facts this kind of researches are based on, but in my opinion the day is exactly how we make it. ourselves. Mine was full of sunshine, and yours?
Today i decided to paint my nails with Barry M Strawberry Ice-cream that need two coats for full coverage. I think the shade definitely justifies its name, don't you think so?
Barry M lakce lahko kupite na spletni strani Ličila.si --> klik
Ravno iz tega razloga sem se odločila za bolj pomladni lak znamke Barry M Strawberry Ice-cream, ki potrebuje 2 sloja za popolno prekrivnost. Odtenek definitivno upraviči ime, kaj se vam zdi?
Today's sunshine really made me happy, despite the fact it's supposed to be the most depressive day of the year. I'm not sure on what facts this kind of researches are based on, but in my opinion the day is exactly how we make it. ourselves. Mine was full of sunshine, and yours?
Today i decided to paint my nails with Barry M Strawberry Ice-cream that need two coats for full coverage. I think the shade definitely justifies its name, don't you think so?
Barry M lakce lahko kupite na spletni strani Ličila.si --> klik
petek, 14. januar 2011
Let's sail to the moon
Danes se družim sama s sabo!To seveda vključuje razvajanje, urejanje nohtkov, sladoled (khm, no...veliko sladoleda) in dobro Disneyevo risanko (kar ne morem iz svoje kože) :P U, pa da ne pozabim...vključuje tudi sanjarjenje...o Londonu, o poletnih počitnicah, morju in sončku in še in še. Od tu tudi navdih za današnjo kombinacijo :)
Today i'm hanging out with myself!That includes manicuring my nails, ice-cream (lots of it of course) and a good old Walt Disney movie ( just can't resist) :P Oh, and i musn't forget....it includes dreaming...dreaming about London, summer, sea and sunny days and more and more. This is where i got the inspiration for todays combination :)
Mimogrede, tokrat vam bom pokazala še enega izmed make-upov ki sem ga ustvarila. V živo izgleda precej bolje, ker je precej slabo poslikam pa še svetloba je bila izredno slaba, zato izpade nekoliko rdečast. V resnici je rjavkast :) S kančkom (no, košem) domišljije si verjetno lahko predstavljate kako naj bi v resnici izgledal -->
Btw, this time i'll show you one of my make-up looks that i created. I looks so much better in real, but i could't capture the right colors and the light was pretty bad as well so it looks kinda redish. I'ts actually brown :) With lots of imagination you can probably imagine how it looks like in person -->
Vam je všeč?Katera Disneyeva risanka vam je najljubša?Moja je definitivno Trnjulčica.
Do you like it?Which is your favourite Disney film?Mine is definitely Sleeping Beauty.
Today i'm hanging out with myself!That includes manicuring my nails, ice-cream (lots of it of course) and a good old Walt Disney movie ( just can't resist) :P Oh, and i musn't forget....it includes dreaming...dreaming about London, summer, sea and sunny days and more and more. This is where i got the inspiration for todays combination :)
- kavbojke (jeans)
- črtasta majica (shirt with stripes) --> H&M
- bele superge (white plimsolls) --> H&M
- ura (watch) --> Fossil
- sončna očala (sunglasses) --> Victoria Beckham
- parfum (perfume) --> Armani Code
- lak za nohte (nail polish) --> OPI
Mimogrede, tokrat vam bom pokazala še enega izmed make-upov ki sem ga ustvarila. V živo izgleda precej bolje, ker je precej slabo poslikam pa še svetloba je bila izredno slaba, zato izpade nekoliko rdečast. V resnici je rjavkast :) S kančkom (no, košem) domišljije si verjetno lahko predstavljate kako naj bi v resnici izgledal -->
Btw, this time i'll show you one of my make-up looks that i created. I looks so much better in real, but i could't capture the right colors and the light was pretty bad as well so it looks kinda redish. I'ts actually brown :) With lots of imagination you can probably imagine how it looks like in person -->
Vam je všeč?Katera Disneyeva risanka vam je najljubša?Moja je definitivno Trnjulčica.
Do you like it?Which is your favourite Disney film?Mine is definitely Sleeping Beauty.
Everyday Minerals,
torek, 11. januar 2011
wish it, dream it, do it!
Ena izmed letošnjih novoletnih zaobljub je definitivno ta, da bom poskušala uresničiti čimveč zastavljenih načrtov, sanj in želja. Začela sem kar dobro, glede na to da imava z mojim kupljene karte za London, nad čimer sem mimogrede še vedno norooooo navdušena :) V prejšnjem postu sem vas spraševala po najljubših destinacijah in moram reči da se naše želje precej ujemajo. Z lahkoto sem se odločila da je na 1. mestu London in 2. New York...tretji pa mi dela malce težav. Lahko bi rekla da si ga delijo Karibi, Pariz, Rim,Belgija in Nizozemska . Težko se je odločit!Bo treba dodobra raziskat vse kraje, da bo odločitev lažja ;) to se mi zdi vedno dober izgovor za potovanje :P
One of my New Year's resolutions is, that i will try most of my wishes and dreams to come true. I think i started pretty good by booking me and my boyfriend tickets to Londons...i'm still super thrilled about that!In my last post i asked you about your favourite travel destinations and i think we share a similar taste. I had no problem with 1. place, which is London (doooh), and 2. New York. But then we come to 3. place and i just can't decide...I really like the Caribbean, Paris, Rome, Belgium, Netherlands...it's so hard to decide. I guess i'll have to explore all of them to decide which one i like the most. I think that's always a good excuse for travelling don't you think so?
Kombinacija s katero bi marsikatera od nas osvojila svet ;)
Combination that could help us explore the world ;)
One of my New Year's resolutions is, that i will try most of my wishes and dreams to come true. I think i started pretty good by booking me and my boyfriend tickets to Londons...i'm still super thrilled about that!In my last post i asked you about your favourite travel destinations and i think we share a similar taste. I had no problem with 1. place, which is London (doooh), and 2. New York. But then we come to 3. place and i just can't decide...I really like the Caribbean, Paris, Rome, Belgium, Netherlands...it's so hard to decide. I guess i'll have to explore all of them to decide which one i like the most. I think that's always a good excuse for travelling don't you think so?
Kombinacija s katero bi marsikatera od nas osvojila svet ;)
Combination that could help us explore the world ;)
- čipkasto krilo (lace skirt) --> wetseal
- majica (shirt) --> H&M
- šal (scarf) --> Forever21
- čevlji (shoes) --> Forever21
- klobuček (hat) --> Forever21
- verižica (necklace) --> Forever21
- lak za nohte (nail polish) --> OPI
nedelja, 9. januar 2011
London, oh London
Kako ste preživeli dan?Jaz sem se z dragim sprehajala po sončnem Ljubljanskem gradu, potem pa sva se odpravila še v stari del centra in si privoščila čajček in belo kavo ob Ljubljanici :) Prav pasalo si je napolnit baterije na sončku in se nadihat svežega zraka!Še posebej me je pa razveselilo to, da sva se odločila da greva maja v London :)))) končno!To je ena izmed mojih naj destinacij, poleg tega sem si želela tja že nekaj let in zdaj se res odpravljava!Karte so že kupljene, hostel bova rezervirala pa jutri :P
How was your day?I was chillin and relaxing on the sun, walking through the city center with my boyfriend and enjoying hot cup of caffee latte by our river Ljubljanica. It felt so good to refill my batteries on the sun after such a long time!But the thing that made me really happy today is that my boyfriend and i decided to go to London in May :))) finally!London is one of my fav destinations, and i really wanted to go there and now it's all happening!We already booked the tickets and tomorrow we'll book a hostel as well :P
Navdih za kombinacijo je seveda London -->
Inspiration for this combination in London -->
Katere so vaše top 3 destinacije ki si jih res želite obiskati?
What are your top 3 destinations you really wish to visit?
How was your day?I was chillin and relaxing on the sun, walking through the city center with my boyfriend and enjoying hot cup of caffee latte by our river Ljubljanica. It felt so good to refill my batteries on the sun after such a long time!But the thing that made me really happy today is that my boyfriend and i decided to go to London in May :))) finally!London is one of my fav destinations, and i really wanted to go there and now it's all happening!We already booked the tickets and tomorrow we'll book a hostel as well :P
Navdih za kombinacijo je seveda London -->
Inspiration for this combination in London -->
- kavbojke (jeans)
- majica s potiskom (white T-shirt with print) --> Miss Selfridge
- torba (bag) --> Dorothy Perkins
- gležnjarji (ankle boots) --> London rebel
- verižica z medvedkom (teddy bear necklace) --> Asos
- sončna očala (sunglasses) --> Mango
- lak za nohte (nail polsih) --> China Glaze
Katere so vaše top 3 destinacije ki si jih res želite obiskati?
What are your top 3 destinations you really wish to visit?
sreda, 5. januar 2011
Sales wishlist
torek, 4. januar 2011
Hug my little teddybear
Pa smo ga dočakali...novo leto namreč!Ste si tudi letos zastavili kakšne nove cilje?Jaz imam na listku kar nekaj novih novoletnih zaobljub....bomo videli ob koncu leta kaj mi je uspelo uresničiti in kaj ne!Upam pa da se bo leto 2011 ravnalo po letu 2010...no, lahko je tudi boljše :D Zdaj pa je praznikov konec in mene je že zadela realnost ko sem pogledala na koledar, ugotovila da sem zamešala datume izpitov in da me prvi čaka že čez dober teden :/ oh ja, knjige here i come!
And here we are....in the new year of course!Did you make yourself a plan for this year?Maybe some new new year's resolutions?I did....we'll see by the end of the year how many of them became true!I hope 2011 will be even better than 2010 was for me....i can only go up from now on :) Well, the holidays are over now and reality hit me hard yesterday when i checked my calendar and realised i mixed a few dates for my exams, so i have the first exam in a week :/ books, here i come!
Kombinacija (combination):
Kako vam je kaj všeč blog?zadnji prispevki so bili precej kozmetično naravnani...je to ok, ali se bolj posvetim kombinacijam?
What do you think about this blog?last few posts were kinda cosmetics oriented...it that ok for you, or do you wish more combinations, clothing...?
And here we are....in the new year of course!Did you make yourself a plan for this year?Maybe some new new year's resolutions?I did....we'll see by the end of the year how many of them became true!I hope 2011 will be even better than 2010 was for me....i can only go up from now on :) Well, the holidays are over now and reality hit me hard yesterday when i checked my calendar and realised i mixed a few dates for my exams, so i have the first exam in a week :/ books, here i come!
Kombinacija (combination):
- kavbojke
- bel pulover (white sweater) --> TopShop
- torba (bag) --> Asos
- Ugg boots
- naušniki (earmuffs) --> Ugg
- sončna očala (sunglasses) --> Gucci
- medvedek (teddy bear)
Kako vam je kaj všeč blog?zadnji prispevki so bili precej kozmetično naravnani...je to ok, ali se bolj posvetim kombinacijam?
What do you think about this blog?last few posts were kinda cosmetics oriented...it that ok for you, or do you wish more combinations, clothing...?
ponedeljek, 3. januar 2011
Review --> 100% Pure maskara, odtenek robida
Še en review...maskara 100% Pure, odtenek robida. Gre za naravno maskaro, ki poleg tega da zelo lepo poudari in loči trepalnice, te tudi neguje. Vsebuje pigmente robid, pro vitamin B5, vitamin E, ter proteine ovsa in pšenice, ki ohranjajo trepalnice zdrave. Maskara mi ne draži oči in po nanosu se mi oči ne solzijo. Ker imam dokaj svetlo polt sem jo kupila v vijoličnem odtenku, ki je zelo diskretno opazen in se vijoličasto sveti na sončni svetlobi.
Another review today....100% Pure mascara, blackberry shade. 100% natural mascara lengthens, separates, thickens and glosses lashes. Lash conditioning ProVitamin B5, Vitamin E, Oat and Wheat protein conditions for healthier lashes. Gentle, all natural, good for you formula is suitable for everyone, even if you wear contacts or have sensitive eyes. I bought it in blackberry shade, because my skin is kinda pale and it suits me better. The purple shade is visible mostly on sunlight.
Comparison before and after application-->
Mislim da slike govorijo zase. Trepalnice poudari, jih zgosti in jih lepo loči. Najboljša stvar pa je da se odtranjuje z vodo. Sicer imam proti koncu dneva kdaj "pandaste" oči, predvsem takrat ko je precej vlažno ampak mi to ne predstavlja nobenega problema, ker lahko nezaželeni efekt enostavno obrišem z vlažnim robčkom ali vatirano palčko, kar imam pač pri roki.
I think pictures speak for themselves. It really thickens and separates my lashes well. The best thing is that it removes with water. I do get "panda" eyes sometimes, when there is lots of humidity, but i can get rid of that effect fast with moisty tissue.
Plusi +
Another review today....100% Pure mascara, blackberry shade. 100% natural mascara lengthens, separates, thickens and glosses lashes. Lash conditioning ProVitamin B5, Vitamin E, Oat and Wheat protein conditions for healthier lashes. Gentle, all natural, good for you formula is suitable for everyone, even if you wear contacts or have sensitive eyes. I bought it in blackberry shade, because my skin is kinda pale and it suits me better. The purple shade is visible mostly on sunlight.
Sestava --> Organic Green Tea, Vitamin E (a-tocopherol), Honey Beeswax, Contains All or some of the following Pigments: Blackberry, Blueberry, Black Tea, Grape Skin, Pomegranate, Acai Berry, Boysenberry, Blackcurrant and Raspberry, Oat Protein, Wheat Protein, Provitamin B5, Seaweed Powder, Coconut Stearic acid, Mica (for shimmer in the Blackberry and Blueberry), Cocoa Butter, Pearl Powder, Rice Powder, Cacao Powder and Powdered Coffee Beans, Lavender Honey, Extracts of Oregano, Thyme, Rosemary, Lavender and Golden Seal
Primerjava trepalnic pred in po nanosu -->Comparison before and after application-->
Mislim da slike govorijo zase. Trepalnice poudari, jih zgosti in jih lepo loči. Najboljša stvar pa je da se odtranjuje z vodo. Sicer imam proti koncu dneva kdaj "pandaste" oči, predvsem takrat ko je precej vlažno ampak mi to ne predstavlja nobenega problema, ker lahko nezaželeni efekt enostavno obrišem z vlažnim robčkom ali vatirano palčko, kar imam pač pri roki.
I think pictures speak for themselves. It really thickens and separates my lashes well. The best thing is that it removes with water. I do get "panda" eyes sometimes, when there is lots of humidity, but i can get rid of that effect fast with moisty tissue.
Plusi +
- naravna maskara, ki ne draži oči
- lepo loči, zgosti, podaljša in poudari trepalnice
- čudovit vonj po robidah
- odstranjuje se z vodo
- neguje trepalnice z vitamini
- najlepša embalaža
- mogoče cena (21€), ampak osebno menim da je bolje dati malo več denarja, navsezadnje nanašamo maskaro na precej občutljiv predel.
- po celodnevem nošenju lahko pride do "panda" efekta, ki pa se ga hitro znebimo z vlažnim robčkom.
- natural mascara that doesn't tease my eyes
- it thickens, separates and lengthens my lashes
- it smells really nice, just like blackberries
- it removes with water
- it conditioning my lashes with lots of vitamins
- the packaging is beautiful
- maybe the price, although i tking it's worth it, because we you it around very sensitive area
- you can get "panda" effect after a whole day of wearing it, but you can solve it with moisty tissue
Review --> 100% Pure Negovalna krema za telo rdeča pomaranča
Danes vam bom predstavila losijon za telo znamke 100% Pure rdeča pomaranča. Krema ima prijeten vonj po sveže olupljenih pomarančah, ki me spominja na praznike zato mi je ta vonj še posebej pri srcu. Kožo lepo omehča in jo nahrani z organskimi sadnimi olji, neguje pa jo tudi z antioksidanti in vitamini, ki ščitijo kožo pred prezgodnjim staranjem. V svoji zbirki losjonov sem imela že nekaj citrusnih vonjev, pa so me vsi razočarali zaradi umetnega vonja, medtem ko sem nad tem navdušena. Na začetku je vonj precej intenziven ampak se lepo razdiši. Losjon se zelo hitro vpije in pusti kožo prav lepo sijočo in predvsem nahranjeno. Zdaj ga testiram že kakšen teden in mi zelo odgovarja.
Today i'll do a review about 100% Pure Blood orange nourishing body cream. Highly nourishing, luxurious cream concentrated with potent anti-aging antioxidants, vitamins, skin softening fruit oils and moisturizing cocoa and avocado butters. Delicious smelling body cream will immediately hydrate, soften and feed your skin nutrients for a healthy, glowing complexion. It smells like fresh oranges and it reminds me of holidays so i really like it.
Sestavine --> Aloe Juice1, Rose Hydrosol2, Cocoa Butter, Avocado Butter, Grapeseed Seed Oil, Rosehip Seed Oil3, Candelilla Wax, Blackcurrant Oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Blood Orange Essential Oil, Blood Orange Extract, Organic Green Coffee4, Organic Wild Cherry5, Pomegranate, Organic Raspberry5, Blackberry and Organic White Tea3, Citric Acid, Witch Hazel, Japanese Honeysuckle, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme and Goldenseal, Grain Alcohol, Acai Berry, Resveratrol, Organic Green Tea3, Mangosteen, Goji Berry, Maqui Berry, Elderberry and Muscadine Grape
Pluses +
Today i'll do a review about 100% Pure Blood orange nourishing body cream. Highly nourishing, luxurious cream concentrated with potent anti-aging antioxidants, vitamins, skin softening fruit oils and moisturizing cocoa and avocado butters. Delicious smelling body cream will immediately hydrate, soften and feed your skin nutrients for a healthy, glowing complexion. It smells like fresh oranges and it reminds me of holidays so i really like it.
Sestavine --> Aloe Juice1, Rose Hydrosol2, Cocoa Butter, Avocado Butter, Grapeseed Seed Oil, Rosehip Seed Oil3, Candelilla Wax, Blackcurrant Oil, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Blood Orange Essential Oil, Blood Orange Extract, Organic Green Coffee4, Organic Wild Cherry5, Pomegranate, Organic Raspberry5, Blackberry and Organic White Tea3, Citric Acid, Witch Hazel, Japanese Honeysuckle, Rosemary, Oregano, Thyme and Goldenseal, Grain Alcohol, Acai Berry, Resveratrol, Organic Green Tea3, Mangosteen, Goji Berry, Maqui Berry, Elderberry and Muscadine Grape
1 certified organic by SGS organic
2 certified organic by Ceres GmbH
3 certified organic by Oregon Tilth Certified Organic
4 certified organic by Hawaii Organic Farmers Association
5 certified organic by USDA
Plusi +
- prijeten vonj po sveže olupljenih pomarančah
- hitro se vpije in ne pusti kože "pocaste"
- ne porabi se je veliko, ker se zelo lepo razmaže
- nabita z vitamini in antioksidanti ki varujejo našo kožo pred prezgodnjim staranjem in in obnavljajo že nastalo škodo zaradi prostih radikalov
- velika izbira vonjev. Izbirate lahko med rdečo pomarančo, belo breskvijo, zelenim jabolkom, vonjem maline, rožnato grenivko, semeni vanilije, medeno hruško, maslom za telo z mangom ali limeto.
- Ugodna cena, 15€ za 236ml
- bolj ko razmišljam, manj jih najdem.
Pluses +
- it smells nice, like fresh oranges
- it doesn't leave the skin all sticky and it absords well
- you don't use a lot of product
- it's filled with vitamins and antioxidants that protect your skin from early aging
- you choose from lots of different fragrances such as, green apple, vanilla seeds, raspberry, white peach,...
- the price is great, and you get a lot of product for it!
- i can't really think of any
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