nedelja, 27. junij 2010

painting my bike

prva plast je že končana :) sej ne da sem si na barvo nalimala še lase (hvala stric veter) in da sem cela popackana!ampak kolo pa že začenja dobivat pravo barvo in osebnost :P

first coat is on :) i managed to paint my hair also (thanks to the wind) and i'm all green because of the colour!but i'm glad, cause the bike is starting to get the real colour, and if i may say so...personality :)

kombinacija -->
  • kratke jeans hlače (jeans shorts)
  • bela basic majica (white basic t-shirt)
  • flip-flops --> Roxy
  • verižica (necklace) -->
  • klobuček (hat) -->

Wishlist --> Shoes!

sobota, 26. junij 2010

Wishlist --> Bags!

Wishlist :)

Oasis (on Asos) -->

Fiorelli for Dorothy Perkins -->


Asos -->

Asos -->

Asos -->

petek, 25. junij 2010

sweet blog & tag

I received a Sweet Blog Award from Biba :) wiuuu, thanks :)

The rules:
- Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
- Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
- Put the award on your blog.
- Let your nominated 10 know you’ve awarded them by leaving a comment.

Here are the bloggers I'm giving this award to:


keep it simple

danes sem na izi :) v zadnjih 10ih dneh sem odpisala 4 izpite, 2 sem naredila z 8 in 10...hip hip hura :) haha skratka danes je dan off, danes nabiram moči za nove podvige in še 3 izpite ki me čakajo v juliju, potem pa končno lahko malo zadiham!

in še to...dobila sem novo staro kolo (mojega so spet ukradli...že tretjič!)!sliko pokažam ko ga spimpam, bo pa izgledal nekako tako kot bivše kolo, ki pa je žal odslužilo -->

Today i'm keeping it simple :) in the last 10days i had 4 exams, two of which i got 10 and 8....yeeeey :) haha, so today is a day off, a day i'm gaining strength for new upcoming exams in july...then i can finally breathe! oh, and i got a new old bike, since mine was stolen!i'll show you the picture when i'll colour it the way i want, but it's gonna look like my old bike --->

in še kombinacija (and the combination)
  • kavbojke (jeans)
  • majica s pentljo (a shirt with a bow) -->
  • balerinke (shoes) -->
  • sončna očala (sunglasses) --> Marc Jacobs
  • lak za nohte (nail polish) --> OPI Japanese rose garden

ponedeljek, 21. junij 2010

Zoya Sari

moj najljubši odtenek Zoya Sari (my favourite nail polish Zoya Sari) -->

butterfly kisses

končno napolnjena baterija :) včeraj je bil tako zaspan dan dan, da sta me pokonci držali 2 kavi, tableta gauarane in še 2 dodatni urci spanja haha...ampak danes je bolje. Mogoče imam več energije tudi zato, ker je danes dan za učenje, učenje in še enkrat učenje ker imam jutri in v četrtek izpit in je pač treba malo stisnit zobe :) ampak bo že...poleg tega sem neučakana, ker danes izvem rezultate enega izpita in sem prav firbčna kakšna bo ocena.

finally i recharged my battery :) yesterday was such a sleepy day, even two cups of coffee, a pill of guarana and two more hours of sleep barely kept me awake....but today i fell much better ;) maybe because i have two exams in the next few days and i have to study a lot. Besides i'm waiting for the resaults of one exam and i'm curious about the grade i got.

Kombinacija (combination):
  • črne kavbojke (black jeans)
  • vijolična majica (purple shirt) --> ArdenB
  • balerinke (shoes) --> kupiti se jih da na Amazonu (you can buy them on Amazon)
  • torbica (bag) --> Mango
  • uhani (earrings) --> Swarovski + tej kombinaciji bi dodala še verižico metuljčka, ki sem jo dobila pred kratkim (i would and my new butterfly necklace to this combination)

nedelja, 20. junij 2010

I'm baaack :)

Juhuuu, spet se javljam, saj sem končno dobila računalnik s popravila in zdaj dela kot šus :) hm, še dobro da nisem imela računalnika zadnje par tednov, saj sem se intenzivno pripravljala na izpite in tako je bil v sobi en moteči dejavnik manj :) za začetek en mini prispevek, v kratkem pa seveda spet pade kkšna kombinacija!

Zdaj pa nekaj utrinkov iz včerajšnje rojstnodnevne zabave...punce so me fuuul lepo presenetile s super darilom in sicer, muffini (hvala Tejaaa), album s slikicami naših žurerskih pohodov ki seveda čaka na nadaljevanje (še dobro da je dovolj prostoren haha), verižico Swarovski z metuljčkom (čudovita je) in pa čestitko :)

Juhuuu, I'm back...i finally got my computer back and now it works as it should :) i didn't really miss it, because i had to study for my exams...i'll post some combinations in the next few days again :)

But now, i'll show you a few moments from my birthday girls really surprised me with a beautiful gift --> muffins (thank you Tejaaaa ), an album with our party pictures waiting to be filled, (haha, good thing it's spacey) a gorgeous butterfly necklace Swarovski and a birthday card :)

Celoten party crew (our party crew)-->

Verižicaaa (the necklace)-->

Darilo in seveda Hello Kitty klobučki ;) haha (the gift and hello kitty hats) :)